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Mrs. J. Eyart Smith, is visiting in Boston. Miss Nan. Sewell is book-keeper at C. King & Son'p. Doctor and Mrs. Barton, spent Sunday at Walled lake. The ladies' club met with Mrs. Julia Sherman, Wednesday, p. m. Miss Vee Cornwell has returned from a visit at Lansing and Bay City. The young people's society cleared about $90 from their May festival Liute Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Hall, lies very low with tonsilitas. Walter Hewett, jr., returned Saturday, after a brief sojourn in some neighboring city. A series of temperance meetings are being held in the opera house with good attendance. Miss Louise Culver, of Brooklyn, spent several days of last week visiting Miss Kitty Amsden. Messrs. H. Goodspeed and F. W. Cleveland, purchaeed at auction, the TibbaU' property on Pearl-st for $2,400. Mre. O. E. Fuller, and daughter Jessie, started for Fenton, Monday, en route for Cairo, where Rev. Fuller has a rectorship. P. C. Sherwood, one of our most popular boot and shoe dealers, is trying to follow Job's example, both as to boils and patience. Mrs. Hottie Wartz Schofield, of Dallas, Texaa, is stopping with her mother for a tew weeks, en route for her summer residence at Niágara Falla. The Normal choir, combined with a few local singere, gave a delightful concert Tuesday evening at the conaervatory, under the leadership of Prof. Pease. Mr. Don. Phillips, recently of Dodge's jewelry store in this city, but now of Syracuse, N. Y., was married to Miss Anna Edmungon of that city, last week. Our Cricketers recently won the first game of the eeason, played with the Peninsulars of Detroit; The score stood 101-87 in favor of the Ypsilantians. The Germán Arbeiter Bund will hold their annual convention in this city next week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuraday. Mayor Cornwell will make the opening address Tuesday. Janitor Ferguaon, who waa recently hurt on the face in a midnight scuffle with young roughs, on the Seminary porch, is still suffering greatly from his wounds and hankers to have his aasailants brought to justice. Clyde Dickerson, of Manchester, who has been one of the instructora at Cleary'a business college for the past six months, bas returned to Manchester and entered the commercial reporting and collecting agency. As Mr. Ad. Mahew, of Samson's drug store, was trying to open a bottle of hypochlorate of sulphur last Saturday, it exploded in his hands, mussing up his face and interfering with hia eye sight for a day or two. Our enterprising young groceryman, Arthur H. Smith, is preparing to take up his residence in his beautiful new home, recently purchased of C. L. Yost. The house was finished only last fall nd is one of the prettiest in town.


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