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Astonistaintr Saccess. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschee's Germán Syrup to let its wonderful qualilies be known to thoir friends in curing consuniption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonía, and in fact all lung and throat diseases. No person can use it without irnmediatereliet. Tliree doses wül relieve any case, and we eonsider it the duty ot' all Diuggists to recommend it to the poor, dyingcousumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold lastyear, and no one case where it failed was reported. S'Jch a medicine as the Germán Syrup cannot be too widely known. Ask your druggist lor it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 cents. Regular size 75 cent Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, in the United S'.ates and Canada. Northern and southern soldiers can clasp hauds over the graves ot dead comrades and the time may come when religious den m-nations may shake acrcss their bloody theological chas ns. The Eajtern Adv. Manager Chicago Daily New, Tribune Building, N. Y., wntes: " Red Star Cough Cure lor obstinate coughs is a stand irü remedy." Price twenty-five cent?. " What we need is not more men bul more man!' - [A. J. Gordon. Those who believe that nature will work off a cough or cold should understand that this is done at the expense of the constituí ion. Each time this weakens the system, and we all know that the terminalion of this dangerous practice is a comsumptive's grave. Don't take the chances, when a fifty cent bottle or Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure will saiely and promptly cure any recent cough, cold or throat or lung trouble. Buy the dollarbottle of Eberbach & Son, for chronic cases or family use. S me portion of the miuing operations in Mexico, about which we hear go much, eons-i-ts in attemptsto undermine the gove urnen t. $500 Keward is offered, ingold f'hith, by the manufacturera of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy lor a case ol Catarrh which they cannot cure. Itism ld, soothitig and healingin iu effect?, and cures "cold in the head," catarrhai lieafness, throat ailmeut-, and many other cumplications of ihis distressing üisease. 50 centp, by druggists. ''The dunt you make on the human srul can uever be obliterated."- [Edward Judson. "You and Jones don't seem tobe as thiqk a yfu were. Does he owe ytu money ? "No. He wants to." Wort li Ten Dollars to any family, is Dr. Kaufmann'sbook on diseases; fi:nly illustrated platea from life; don't be humbug(jed, but cure youreelf. Send three 2 cent stunps for postage to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, JVlass , and receive a copy free. A Dutch friend of ours over in Brooklyn had a Germán at his house on the 18th of April. It was a eirl. HiicliIcii'N Arulcn Salve. The best salve in tha world for Oiits, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains, Coma, and all Skin Eruption?, and positively cure Piles, or nú pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect iatistaclion, c: money refiinded. Price 25 cents per oox. For sale by Kberbach & Son. The bottle fillers of Unicago have struck. If the bottle emptiers would only strike, happy homes would raultiply. CicyyO. Vc cv Ni&hts is tho JVYV V OVVV complaint of thousands sufEering from Astlima, Con. sumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's Englisn Remedy? It Ï8 tlie best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a positivo guarantee at 10c, 50c. Johk Moore, Druggist. "The Schoolmaster's Club I" exclaimed Tommy, reading from the newppaper. "My jiminy 1 I shouldn't like to go to his school !' Boii, pimples, hivps, ringworm, tetter, and til other mani estationa of impure biood re cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tnere is one me;hod of transportation not affected by the interstate law - the hearse. Tiie deadhead travele there as usual. THE GREAT n Germán Remedy. aTRUTHSF0RTHE8ICK. BiHousSpeilsdepena foracasewhereSuL-lll onSüLPnuRBiTTEKS piiuu Bitteus wil] III t will cure you. notassist or cure. JtJ 3 1)0 you suffer with "ever falla. pj IfeëlVn?'1 UdsaoUÊusÜ , Clean8etl.evitmtedI it ull cure yon. iugtlirough the ekiul II Operatlves who are InTlmples, Blotcheg, II -.closely conüneil In ïnd Sores, llcly onU iathe milis and SupHUB Bitters, M I shops; clerks,who do fa(1 health wIU iol-Sg not procure sufliclent lowIII exercise, and al 1 wlio TïTTnvTnrrrrwi II areconOnedindoore, „11, T,J75S?II „nÓuhenbelcSdrSCtiiUwmcUreH gsïckly. y)'lB TJÍ Hl If you do not wish SüLPHUK Bitters[ lito suffer from wl)1 buil(I Tou "P andl I latism, use a bottle of make yo" strongandl II ISolphur Bitters; hcalthy. Hl Itncver falla to.-UrB. sulphur Bitters IJ M Don't be without a wtll raake yourbloodïS I"1 bottle. Try It; you pure.rlchandstrong.KS will not regret It. an(' your flesh hard. Ijl Ladius in delicate "ttTÜlphuÍTbÍtI hcalth, who are all reus to-nlght, andlll run down, Bhould use you will sleep welllll _jHLPmi3iüIIIJ:RS. and ft 1 hetter for Do you want the best Medical Wurk publlshcd? Rend 3 2-(ent stampa to A. 1'. Ordway & Co.. Boston, Mass., aud revclvo a copy, free.


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