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WE FIND WE HAVE TOO MANY SILK UMBRELLAS WTTH GOLDHIIIDLES. When we purchased our Spr'ng Stook we thought that all of the Ladies in Ann Arbor would carry Gold Headed Umbrellas. We were mistaken. Too many on band for June. Price goes down To-day to $3 50 and $4.00. Simon's BlaoK Gros-Grain Silks, marked down 25 . a yard. They are the most durable Black Silks in the World. We guarantt-e them in the most liberal manner, and this guarantee the maker stands behinds us. Quality A hitherto $1.25 now $1.00 " B " 1.50 " 1.25 " C " 1.75 " 1.50 D " 2.00 " 1.75 E " 2.50 " 2.00 [Down 50 cents. Our Colored Surah's are very cheap at $1.00. We show all the desirable colors in Pink, Light Blue, Cream, White and several shades in Tans and Light Brown. No better Gros-Grain Colored Silks in the World than ours at $1.00 a yard. All shades of Tans and Browns in stock tliis wggIc Excellent value in Black Watered Silks at $1.50 and $2.00. Our Light Pink, Light Blue, Nile Green, and Heliotrope Watered Silks at $2.25 are very handsome. Do you know a bargain when you see it? Among the very Goods you would think to be the last to tumble. Seasonable Goods. When you read the price you will want to see them. Ten styles or more of Summer Silks at 55c a yard, heretofore 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. They are good yalue at the old price. They are surprise value now. Batistes seem daintier than ever. All on Cream grounds and plump yard wide. Figured 6tripes and odd designs. These are the Cottons that drove out the printed Linen Lawns, 12Jc, The finest Batiste that is made, 12Jc Why, use your leisure time in buying material and making Underwear this warm weather when we can furnish you with just what you want and for less nioney. Don't judge our Underwear by what you see in other stores nor by the prices you hear quoted. Judge it by the Underwear itself, and see it here. Examine the sewing, the cutting, the decoration and styles. You Ladies know the good from bad. Not a word about that. We ask your judgment, not your favor. Trashy Lace Flouncing are common enough in some stores. Easier to make trashy than good. Easier in Lace than most Goods. They say we have the nicest patterns and the best assortments of Black Lace Flouncings that you can find anywhere. Nothing trashy about them, that's certain. 42-inch, $2.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Cream and White Flouncing 42-inch 75c, $1.00, $2, $2.25, $2.50 and $5.00. We are showing this week the finest line of beaded trimmings in the city. If you want cheap trimmings we have them. If you want medium price trimmings we have them. If you want high priced trimmings we have them. Will you examine our Beaded Trimmings at $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $7.00, $10.00 and $12.00 a yard. 25 dozen Gauze Vests for Ladies at 25 cents. (Don't come expecting to get the 25 dozen for 25c. You will be disappointed if you do.) We mean 25c each. Yes, 25 cents. Perfect, regular goods made to sell for 40c. Also twentyfive dozen Ladies' Gauze Vests at 50c each. We know of no garments at all approaching either of them in quality that were ever before offered at the price. Unless you know more about Underwear than the Writer of this you will say they are cheap. Bach & Abel. OVR 85 (I.Xi COLUMN. AdverUsements, sucn as To Rent, Kor Sale, or Wtota, not exceeding three Unes, can be Inserted Uree weeks for 25 cents. BICYCLEGood second-hand 54 or56 in, Bicycle Wanted. Geoi McKínstrv, at Harrl Broi. & Co., Ypsilanti. 65W2 FOE SALE- Good Tubular Boiler, complete; 11 ft., 8x52, 68 3K tubes. Apply at store of A. L, Noble, Sec'y , Ann Arbor T. H. Electric Co. 650 52 WANTED TO RENT- Hocse of 7 to S roomi by a responsible, prompt paying tenant; small famlly, no children. Rent to begin July or August, Address M., Recisteb office, Ano Arbor, Mich. 650-52 WANTED- A Girl for general housework in family. Apply at No. 8 Maynard-st. 650 52 LOST- A Letter, on Eunday last, sealed, stamped and ready for mailing. Will the, party who found and mailed it, please inform Dr. Kraft, 650 YT7ANTED by the Ist. of July or befóte, unfurVV nished rooms or small house for light housekeeping by a lady and son, hear the L'niversity prefetred. Address Lock box 2788, Ann Arbor, Mich. 649-51 FOR SALE- A Phaeton in good repair and very cheap. Cali at 86 S. Statest. 649-51 LOST on Main-st. or E. University Ave. Silk Bag containiiig Gold Eye Glasses and Fancy work. Finder will please leave at this office. 49-51 WANTED TO RENT for invalid lady- Use of Horse and Carrioge. Woold su'.ply barn feed and attention wished. Apply IS Main St. or this office. 647-9 BALED HAY, flrst quality, Linseed Meal, Mili Feed, and all kinds of Grain, at State-rt Feed Store. Goods delivered. 649-51 FOR SALE- New Brick Store on Statest; 4 Acres of Land near Campus, and House aud 2 Lots across the street from Campus. J. P. Judson. 619-51 A GENTS WANTED- Students from departments of Pharmacy and Medicine to permanently represent our Subscriplion and Book departments. Good men of bufiness ability and integrity can secure permanent potitions. Address or cali, and state territory preferred. D . O. Haynes & Compony, Medical Publishers, 21 State Street, Detroit. b48-9 rpo RENT- Palace Skating Rink. Just the JL place for Agricultural. Carriage and Wagon Repository. Apply J. E. Wjmau, Detroit, Mich. 648-51


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