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OUR 85 CENT COLVMN. Advertisements, sucn as To Rent, For Sale, or Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be Inserted bree weeks for as cents. LOST- A pair of Gold-bowed Spectacles, between Huron-st. and Lower town. Finder please leave at this office, or at Ludholdi grocery. 651-3 FOR SALE.- Four tables, two carpeta, two commodes, bookshelves, rubber bath-tub, child's Uycicle, fruit cans, etc. Mbs. W Boughton 651 rpo RENT.- House with Barn. No. 45 East í Huron ODosite Ladies Libary. Posession lst of August. Occupied now by Miss Jackson. Address E. D. Kinnï or S. P. Jkwett. 651-7 TMCYCLE-Good second-hand 54 or56 in. Bicycle J- Wanted. Geo. McKinstry. at Harris Bros & Co., Ypsilanti. 650-52 FOR SALE- Good Tubular Boller, complete11 ft., 8x52, 68 %■% tubes. Apply at store of A. L. Noble, Sec y., Ann Arbor T. H. Electric Co 650 52 WANTED- A Girl for general housework in family. Apply at No. 8 Maynard-st. 650 52 VI7ANTED by the lst. of July or before, unfurT T nished rooms or small house forlight housekeeping by a lady and eon, near the University preferred. Address Lock box 2788, Ann Arbor, Mich. g49 - 5i FOR SALE- A Phaeton in good repair and very cbeap. Cali at 86 S. State-st. 649-51 LOST on Jlain-st. or E. University Ave. Silk Bag containing Gold Eye Glasses and Fancy work. Finder will please leave at this office. 49-51 BALED HAY, first quality, Linseed Meal, Mili Feed, and all kinds of Grain, at State-st Feed Store. Goods delivered. 649.51 FOR SALE- New Brick Store on Statest; 4 Acres of Land near Campus, and House and 2 Lola across the street from Campus. J. P. Judson 619-51 FOR SALE- J3000 stock of drugs in a prosperous growing town in Western Indiana. Popuiation 1200; one other store. Splendid chance for a live man. Address J. M. White, Clay City, Ind 647-52 FOR SALE- House, 9 rooms, 81800; house 7 rooms, Í1500 near the campus. One-third down, balance at interest. 90 Washington-st, S. D. AUen, 651-53 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN- House and lot No. 28 Maynard-st. Location desirable for student btarders. Itqulre of E. B Pond 6 N Main-st 640tf FOR SALE.- A 189JÍ acre farm on gravel road 4J miles S. of Ann Arbor. Inquireof Henry Krause, Lodi, orbox 187, Ann Arbor. 643 55 rpo RENT- A small neat cottage. An elderly J. couple desired, to whom some work can be given in fruit time. Ann Arbor, March '87 J D Baldwin. 637tf FOR SALE- 6000 Snider & Taylor's Prolific Blackberry Plants, 10,000 Gregg Raspberry tips, 400 Pear Seedings, and a few Peach trees of the very best variety. Ann Arbor, March '87. J I). Bildwin. 637tf WANTED- A good girl for general housework. Apply at No. 25 E. University Ave. KAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from $1,000 to 86 000 and contsining from one-fifth of an acre to twenty acres- all in the city limits. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged for city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSION3, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Agent. Office' over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. T?OR SALE- My house, No. 27 Ann street.or will JF exchange for smaller house, or well located vacant lot. H. M. Taber. 623tf FINE F ARM FOR SALE- Two miles from Ann Arbor, consisting of 160 acres in a hieh gtate of culüvation. Has been nsed as a daiy farm for 18 years, consequently soil Is very rich. Splendidly watered by creek and springs, large two story frame house, large basement barn carriage house, large shedwith hayloft, also grain bam ; good orchard, Terms onethird cash balance on long time to suit purchaser. Address R Watermann, Ann Arbor, Mich. 624tf LOANING- Money to loan on flret clan real estáte mortgages at current ratea of interest. Satisfactury arrangemeuta made with capitalista deairing anch lnvestmenL Everj conveyance nd transaction in abstracts of titles earefiiUT examlned aa to legal effect. Zlna P. King, Ann Arbor Mich. __ TO EENT- Palace Skating Rink. Just the place for Agricnltural, Carriage and Wagon Repository. Apply J. E. Wyman, Detroit, Mich. 48-51


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Ann Arbor Register