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From The New York Tribune

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Ex-Governor Rodman M. Pi ice, of New Jersey, the California pioneer for whom the legiflature of that state reeently voted an appropiation of $50,000 to ereat a monument in rece gnition of his public services, ia in town. Aa a lieu'.enant in the Navy, Qovernor Price took possession of California in the name of the United States and has always beencloely identified with the interests of the Pacific slope. Being asked his opiniĆ³n of the Tortilitas mines in Arizona recentlv organized into a stock company, with offices 57 Broadway, Gov. Price said : "I ain familiar with the countrv in which the Tortilitas are located. They are in the central and best part of the territefy and in an enormously rich mining district. The company not only has one great mine but twelve, and it owns a territory three miles long with over 250 acres ot rich ore deposite. The Tortilitas have already produced over $150,000 in bullion and from the information I have, Ibelieve it is one of the greatest as well as cleanest mining enterprises ever organized. The Tortilitas are bound to pay handsomely as their value is demonstrated hy the conrenfmtinn nf the ore below the water level in the twe mines that are now being worked, which is the absolute test of permanency, and they have a vein o; ore already explored 424 fpet wide that essays $50.00 per ton and the supply is iuexhaustable." Are you a-.quainted with the management? "Yes. The President il Mr. Jos. H. Reall, President of the American Agricultural and Dairy Association, an energetic business man, whom I was intimately associated with in the passage of the national oleomargarine law. He will see that every stockholder is treated right and the public given full value for every dollar invested. The vice president, Gen. King, was a of Congress nine years and is the son of Iion. Thomas Butler King, an old friend of mine, so long a representativo of Congrese from Georgia and first ollectorot the Port of San Francisco. Gen. Floyd King, of Louisiana, is a gentleman of the highest character and ability; Mr. D. T. Elmoie, the Superintendent, is endorsedb? Senator Swyerof Wisconsin, to me as ene of tne best mining men in Ameiica and of absolute integrity and capacity." The shares are only two dollars each and can be procured in any amount from one slmre up, by addressing the company at ita New York Office.


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