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"""business cards. COOK HODSE, E. IICDSON, Proprletor. Sor west corner of Huron aud Fourth Stroets E2 Arbor. 456-507 77ÍÓRGE E. FROTHINGHAM, M. D„ I (t IMijsil'inimiMlSiiriiCiiii, Office Hamilton Building, Rooms 1, 2, and 8. office Hours: Monday, ïuesday, Thursday ap.J friday, 10 to 12 a. M.; Wednesday and Saturday, 2 I wirj Tlex. w. hamilton V Attorney at I.hw . I Will practice in both State and United States I courts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor of I rhp new tirick bloek. corner of Huron and Fonrth I jltreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 21-75 TÏORGE W. EENWICK, TEACHER OF WHCüLTÜRIlSlHGlSGlBARiöllT4PIiliö. Harmony suceessfully taught by mail. Addrees, F. O. box 2151, Ann Arbor, Mich. I. O. G. T. Washtenaw Lodge, No. 719, meets every MondtTeveningat 7:30 in their temple, tlnrd door et of the Post Office, and third floor. George Scott, C. T. 620-32 O, W Btr.. TlSpr-. [ DEAN M. TYLER, M. D., PHY CIAN & SURGEON. Office and resideuce over postoffice. first aoor 621-83A. F. SMITH, inn Arbor, ■ - MichiganPublic Farm Auctioneer. Sales made in any part of the County. Correspondence promptly answered. Box 2241. CS3-45 Ö. C. JENKINS, D. D. S., ! DEÏTTAL OFFICE OTEK ANDREWS BOOK STORE. 13 MAIN STBBBT, ANN ARBOR. 466-507 NIOHOLS BBOS., DENTAL OFFICE Second Floor Masón 1c Block, ove' b vi ii'n Bank, Ann Arbor, Hiru. Teetli extracted without pain by the use of gas or vitalized air. 436-487 ZINA F. ZING, Law and Collection Office. ü 8. COMMISSIONER, and Agent for placlu, Insurance in reliable companies. All business entrusted to this office recelTei tjompt and carelul attention. Meney reraittei ünmediately on collection. No.42 Main street, South, .nn Arbor, Hioh. WILLIAM ARNOLD, SELLS 1847 R' GERS BROS.' SPOONS, FORKS A.N33 KNITK8, it bottom prices, engravinr Inclmlfi i fuii ïinpof the iustlv oelebTStfO ROCKFORD WALTHAM and BLGIN WATOHBS. Open face. Key and Stem-winding a lwayfon hand and regulated, ready for a man pocket. If you cannotreadthisgetoneofJohnston & Co .6 eye-glasses or spectacles for sale b-v WM. ARNOf D, 3fi Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1-175 EOEACE T. PURFIELP, Carpenter and Joiner 86 South 12th Street, Post-office box 945. All work in my line promptly at tended to. tRTJI?TXTJKK ! EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜ8S. Spiral Spring with graded prw eure 1 to 6 pounds. Worn day anc nieht by an Infant a week olrt o; adultoff years. Ladies' Tru8 a specialty. Endose stamp to Testimoniáis of Cures, measure menta, etc. EGAN'S IMPERIA) TRÜSS CO., Ann Arbor, Mieh TANSY GAPSULËC I THE LATEST DISCOVEKY. W Dr. lyaparle's Celebrated Preparation, Safe and Aiways Beliable. Indispensable to LADIJSS. Send 4 cents for Sealed Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL CO., Chicago,, SHINGLBS! The best Rooflng in the world íb Walter's PatentShingles Made of Iron, Tin or Steel. Cheapoi More Durable and Ornamental Than Slate "Warranted to give. eatisfaotion. For particular and prioea address GEORCE SCOTT, Arohlteot. Sole Aent forWasnt&nuMr County. Aïkyonr retaller forthe JameaMeana' 3 Shoe. Cantlon ! Some dealers recommen.I nft-rlor cóoóü in order to make a lareer proflt. Thls Is the original 3 Shoe. Beware of Imttatlons which ackLoVgeThe?rtVn inferiorlty byattemptlng to l.ulld upon the reputatlon of thepriginal. None fcenuine unless bearing thl Stamp, JAMES MEANS' Taf Gentlemen, L C 5 LJ (% P MjT-.ii ■!!B Made In Hutton, Cotigresa and M MLjuv, Best Cctff Skin. UnoiK 'Wcc-lli''! In 2uraWí ií y, c 'merí t fc _ " ipparancí. A postal card W . st'iit tous will brlngyouinW - Wl formation how to get thia flp? Xv p Shoe in any State or riJf sjJ.lleans & Co Our oelebrattd faetory produces iurger quanttty oí Sbov8 of this (trade thaH any otnertactopr in tno world. Thousands who wear them wlir lellou the reason if you ask them. JAMES MISAN!; ■ ïSlIUE for Boys Is unapproacheu in Duraülllty. line of the above shoes for sale in Aun Aror, by L. Gruiier, jL'-w HTtTTO DADVD mayce rntuid on nie al Owk Tillo rArtiJX y. owell Oo's Newspapo AdTrtllng Bureau 10 Sprnoe St. ). whereadTertijina toouacu mus be m1 tor li Ui H JK W lOnlu


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