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non't Gct 'aiiK'lif This spring wilh yourbloodfull of impurities, your digestión impaired, your appetite poor, kidneys and liver torpid, and whole systems liable to be prostrated by distase - but get yorself into good condition, and ready for the cnanging and warmer weatber, by taki'ig ILod's Sarsapanlla. It stands unequaHed for purifying the blood, giving an appetite, and lor a general spring medicine. Oi: ! it it sh;iuld turn out true that all the mothers ot babies that have d;ed sha 1 one day find them and rock them on their yearning breasts again - why, then, hcartbreak here, were but a little trial after 11. Ct,.v. i, the CMldren. They are esv5VYrU pecially liable to sudden Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. We guarantee Acker's English Remedy a positivo cure. It saves hours of anxious watching. Sold by John Moobe, Druggist. Woman's ohief'est need is a master - not a petty despot, but a selü-poised, consider e ieader who moves with confident tread and who is always alert to prevent collisions at life's crossings whether the bell rings or not. fWvwoWvov pleasant, ana VjOYVVrCAVVCAVV certain in their results, are Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. Recommended by physicians and endorsed by all who have used them. The best remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Constipation. Guaranteed, and sold at 25c. by John Moorf, Druggist. What man ever was enough the egotist to use the pronoun he for 'he noun Beauty ? I wonder if that is not man's most expresive and delicate compliment to womu? Faith, she is the konly living thing that c u'd idealize grammar. We ought not to be too anxious to enioirage untned innovation, in cases of doubtful mprovement. For a quarter of h century Dr. S .ge's Catarrh Remedy has been betere the public and pased tbrough the stverest te.t and ii pronounced the mot reliable remedy lor that disagreeable milad. Thousands ot testiaionials of its virtues. 50 cents per boit'ie. By druggist. _________ I declare lo you, Old Prudence, and to ycu, Young Ardor, there is no joy, no vir'ue, no beauty, no boon between the dawn au Ij the desune oí Lile above which Love does not tower majestic and supreme. it is the most rational and the most imperkuj need of human nature. June, 1S81, wrote G. C. Atkins, Beaver, Beaver Co., Pa., sprained my wrist badly; pain dreadful. Tried St. Jacobs Oil; in ten minutes pain ceased ; am cured." October 29, 1886, he writes : " I have had iio pain siace." It is the poet's gloomy privilege, perhaps to look upoi the world as a place of tusks and tears, of errors and wounds; but somehow, despite the well auth-jnticat-d tact that lam a njiserdble sinner, Happraesg makes an oncasional surreptitious appointment with me to teach me what joy there is in her sweet embrace. TO THE LADIES ! If you are afflicted with rheumatlsm, neuralgia, nervou exhaustion, dyspepsia, or with diseases of the liver, kidneys, headacheor cold feet, swollen or week aukles, or swoilen feet, an Ab dominal Belt and a pair of Maguetic Foot Batteries have no superior in the releif and cure of all these complaints. They carry a powerful umgnetie force to the seat of the desease. For lame back, weakmss of the spine, falling of the womb, leucorrhosa. chronic infíammatiou and ulceration cf the womb, incidental hemorrhage of ílooding, painful, suppressed and irregular menstruation.barrenness, and change of lile, thisis the Best Appliance and Curative Agent Known. Price of Supporter with Magnetic Foot Batteries. 310. Sent by expresa C. O. D., and examination allowed, or by mail on receipt of price, and if not found satisfactory even after six months trial they can be returned and money refunded. In ordering, send measure of waist and size of shoe. They are worn over the underclothing. They hold their poiver forever. Send for the "New Department in Medical Treatment Without Medicine," with thousands of testimoniáis. Send for circulare. Writeusfull particulars as regards your difflculties - orders direct. THE SIAGNETIC APPUAXCE EO., 131 Dearborn St., (lilra;.i, 111. He who keeps a knowing eye on the past is seldom misled by the present. IQ Vjhe Best and Purest MedicineS $L EVER MADE. ik. Itwill drive the Humor iromyour t. Csystem, and make your skin III 4). -fb 'Teclean and Bmooth. Thoselll Ao VjLPimpleg and BIotches PI j4 %.?LWliich mar your beautyM Ld lj t "oare cuused by impureEd I ■ '!'v("xMí.l)looi an(' can bcVn v ,%A,removedlnshort I WVoX time, U you arel aV4 'a ILwiseaDdusell HM Ra m The Dose lsV, W m II small-only a teVV. v OA II III bet and cheapest 's sv v-lll III medicine. Tiy it, and, fy .%„ I Hyouwlllbesatisfled. kV IWV! II g Gct it of your Druggist. e+t& ra I If yon are Buffering from Kldk III III ney Disease, and wish to live tok III olii age, use SULPHUK BIXTEBSÍ I III They liever íail to cure. II Send 8 2-cent stampa to A, P. Ordway Co., Bobton,2Iaes„ for best medical work puullshed? RWILSON WASHBOARDS. Thu Waibboatdi are made with a Bent-Wood rlm. The Btrongut boards and best waihen ia th ■werld. Fot Mie by il dealera. Take ne ether. AGIKAW M'F'G CO., Bglnvr, MIchtffKtt.


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