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REPORT OP THE UuNDITION OF THE Arm ArborSavings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, Jan. 3d, A. D., 1887. MADE lu Accordancc uiili SccJioiih Is, 19 huú U7 of the Ucneral Kti kin: l.w HN AllK'lKll'll 11 1S71. RESOURCES. Loansaud Discounts S 272,771 59 Bonds and Mortgages 175,237 91 ü. S. 4 per ceut. Registered Bonds 11,400 00 Overdrafts 441 22 Furmture and Fixtures 1,930 85 Due from National and State Banks.... 87,098 01 Caslionhauii 35,983 74 S 581,863 32 LIA.BILITIES. Capita! Stock 8 50,000 00 Surplus Fnud 50.000 00 Profltund Loss 15,388 72 January Dividend 2.680 00 Due Depositare 466,794 60 9 581,863 32 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true. to the hest of my Unowledgp and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashler. Subscribed and sworu to before me, this 4th day of January, 18s7. L. GRUNER, Notary Public. Menthol Inhaler, AFFORDS QÜICK RELIEF OP NEURALGIA, HEADACHE, HAY FEVER, CATARRH, ASTHMA, And by continued use effeets a curo. %3T Satisfaction Guaranteed or money Hefunded. Six months treatment for 50 cents. If your druggist has not the Inhaler in stook send 53 cents in stamp to the proprietor and the Inhaler will be forwarded by mail, postage paid, and if, at the expiration of flve days from its receipt you are not satisfled with its eff ects, you may return it, and if received in good condition your money will be ref unded. Circular and testimoniáis mailed free on aj plication to the proprietor, H. D. CUSHMAN, Three Rivehs, Mica. Fur Sale by Hruii'K'iKts In Aun Arbor. YOUR LAST CHANCEW TO BDY IrFt MINNESOTA dakotaSus.' L&nds t prenent Tiin NÍ1RTH. LOWPRICES. ACTwesur SpTVhFSyOR5Vc2IT.SKLF in Fivo íml U A I C years. Priceu fj "MUP are fMI LLI ON withguidebookíi.tíO, ACRES giTin range of tpt chotee t$.rmingmíM pnces,Urmtsof#o j t t m„ket. ale.Midothet wu-wm,i. n5tS particular. X Mg climate. Good churches, gent Xree, m SV# schools, and social advang g tages. A región where faüfu. g. g ure of crope has never been aiV CHARLES E. SIMMONS, IJm Lana Oom. O. & N. W. Railway, yy CHICAGO, ILL. f ï 1 fJFTheBe lands c&nnot f&il to be vV u Protable and X SAFE INVESTMENT -poROus!:o,di s. X jr Tia - i LAy 3 kaïs Gures Backacfle, Lupg Troubles, Kidney Distases, Rheunratisn?, Etc, A trial will convince the most skeptical that they are tlie best. They are medicated with capsicum and the active principie of petroleum, bemg far more powerful in their action thau other piasters. Do not bo induced to take others, but be sure and get the genuine "Petroline,' which is ii] way s cnclosed in an envelop with the signature of. tho proprietors The l'.W.P. Co.T and directions in four languages; also seal ia green and gold on each piaster. Sold by alj druggists, at 5 cauts each. PEDACURA CORN PLASTERS Are the best known remedy for hard and soft corus, and nevur fail to euro. Price, 85 cents. PEDACURA INSOLES Cure Colcl Feet, Gout, Rhenmatlsm, I'iiriilysis, Swollen Keet, etc. The Peleg White Proprietary Co., 84 Church Street, New York, Manufacturera. Of first claSM AruKKists and H. J. BROWN, Dist. Agt for Aun Arbor. MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Bates. Four Tripa per Week Betwoan DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Ifruaoe, Chaboysran, Alpena, Harriavüle, Ocoda, Hivnd Beach, Fort Huron, 8t. Clair, Oakland Houae. Marine City. Svery Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips durine July and A.ugu t . OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Stea and Ixounlon Tickets will b f urnlihed by your Ticket Agent, or ddree E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'l Pau. Agent, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register