Washtenaw Pomology
Vice-president Baldwin presided over the July meeting. Mr. Ganzhorn being absent, the oorresponding secretary was chosen to take bis place. The committeee od truit preserving factory reported that Allmendinger & Schneider had erected the largest size of Acme Drier and were ready for any surplus black raspberries and the coming fruit erop. The chairman and Rev. S. Clementa were appointed a committee to investígate at what price raspberries could be dried profitably. Mr. Baldwin stated that dried black raspberries were worth 25J cents per pound in Chicago. It takes three quarts of berries to make one pound of dried berries. He would send his raspberries to the factory if they would not net him six cents per quart. S. Mills: "Raspberries do not pay if sold below eight cents." The report on transportation will be publi8hed next week, Prof. B. E. Nichols, the secretary of the committee, being absent. The oral report by the chairman was very favorable to shippers of fruit. The rates of the Express Co., on the different routes of the Michigan Central, Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Michigan and Pere Marquette roads, with other statistics valuable to the fruit growers, who were mostly absent, were given by the chairman. The work which the above committees have accomplished is much greater than the fruitgrowers generally are aware of. If to nothing else these gentlemen who have given their time, talent and money to benefit all fruit growers, are entitled to the sincerest thanks of those interesced. Why the majority of the fruit-growers never pay a cent nor give an hour's time to organized work of this kind is a profound mystery to the writer. Evart H. Scott read a letter from secretary Garfield, asking this society to contribute at least 150 platea of fruit to the Pomological exhibit at the coming state fair. Mr. Scott stated that the horticultural exhibit was cut down by the officers of the fair from $2400.00 to $1400.00. The society resolved to contribute 150 plates or more if' no premium was paid. The society had the great pleasure to fiave L. A. Goodman, secretary of the Missouri State Horticultural Society, in their midst. Mr. Goodman is an alumajs of our State University. He graduated twenty years ago. He was the guest ot Major Soule, his brother-in-law, during his stay in our city. He joined his class to honor his Alma Mater in her semi-centennial jubilee. One of' the leadme men and writers in horticulture in the United States, he represects, with the president of his society, a fruit orchard of 5,000 acres. A Good-man by name and deed. Good for the University! We had the pleasure of a personal inspection of our pear orchard and vineyard by this gentleman, who was pleased with the pyramidal form we give our standard pear trees and the success of Missouri and other grapes in this northern latitude. The absent fruit growers of Washtenaw missed a grfeat treat, so did Mr. Goodman. The thanks of the society were tendered to Judge Noah W. Cheever, for a donation of his claim for services to the ■yMr. S. Mills exhibited Fay's Prolific and White's grape currants. The specimens were very fine. He stated that Fay's prolific was one of the exceptions of the many new small fruits that had been sent out of late, with high praises and prices - proving mostly failures. Mrs. E. Baur exhibited her raspberry shrub, of which all present were invited to partake as a pitcher of ice water was procured. Rev. S. Clements had his cook stoye drier on exhibitioo. It weighs twentyfive pounds and can be used for drying berries, vegetables and fruits of all kinds. E. Baur ordered one at once. Every family should have one. It will be on exhibition at the next meeting. Palmer & Son, of Dester, exhibited onefourth of a bushei round basket, four quart basket, berry crates for quarts and pints, berry baskets and their fruit basket with handle, which last year gave such good satisfaction. Evart Scott was cf the opinión that we should ship by the Michigan Central as soon as we have 200 bushels of berries to ship per day. We have time to load the car till 8 p. m. and the railroad company guarantees the delivery of the car bo that the commission men can get the fruit early in the morning. The fruit growers of Washtenaw are respectfully requested to attend the next meeting of the society which occurs the Cth of August. Emil Baur, Cor. Sec'y Ilaving had a conversation with Prof. Nichols, we understand that a car to Detroit costa 18 dollars. To this has to be added the fare and expense of a man who takes charge of the car, delivers the fruit and returns etnpty grates and baskets. Shipping by the hundred pounds costa 9J cents, but packages are not returned gratis as is the case when a car is hired. E.B. A woman's relief corps has been organized in Milán with the following officers: President, Mr. Libby Case; sr. vice, Mrs. Hattie Vincent; jr. vice, Mrs. Sarah Whaley; secretary, Mrs. Rachael Robison ; treasurer, Mrs. Francis Jackson ; conductor, Mrs. Ellen Taylor; asaistant con., Mrs. Mellie Whaley; guard, Mrs. Adeha Allen ; assistant guard, Mxs. Emma Gauntlett.
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