Echoes Of Commencement Week
The board of regents will convene tomorrow. Over 400 alumni registered in the memorial volume oí the association. Prof. Steere and party will sail from Vancouver. for the Phillipine IslandB, Julyll. The receipts of the Eli j ah concert were $1,168. The net proceed?, nearly $500, will be used to extinguían the debt of the musical society. The Detroit Tribune contained a full and complete report of each day'g doings, something never before done by any news paper, and is deserving of much credit for its enterprise in so doing. Tom S. Applegate, in his Adrián Times says that the Alumni of the U. of M., " gathered from near and trom far ; from Ypsilanti and the Sadnwich Islands, from China and from Adrián, from Detroit and from Australia." A large forcé of workmen were put to work on the Campus, Friday morning, and by Saturday evening there was nothing left to indícate that one of the largest college jubilees this. country ever witnessed, had been indulged in. The current nuraber of Harper's Weekly contains a doublé page of illustrations of the University, with cuts of Tappan, Angelí and Prieze. The work is finely executed and will be a valuable advertisement for the University. The same issue also has a column article descriptive of this institution. Friends of the University everywhere will want this number of Harper's. J. A. Otte, of the medical clas8 of '86, was in the city about three hours to-day. He has been traveling nearly all the time since he graduated, mostly in France and Germany. To Ilústrate how migratory hia habita have been, he stated that since be left here ten months ago, he had slept in ninety-three different beds. Next September he will go to China as a medical missionary. In giving the reunions of classes last week we inadvertently overlooked the reunión of the cla8sof"76" atMrs. Stowell's Wednesday evening. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Judge Steere ot Sault Ste. Marie ; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Stowell, of Ann Arbor; A. J. Volland, of Grand Rápida, was appointed to gather class statistics. They sub9Cribed $455 for the fellowship fund. Thirty-five were present. In speaking of President Angell's commemoration address Tom S. Applegate, of the Adrián Times, pays him the iollowing well deserved compliment : " Then name the event of the day, the address by President Angelí. It was largely historical in its scope, as was demanded by tbe occasion, was elevated, scholarly and eloquent. The honored head of öur University is the fortúnate possessor of a voice ao finely trained and nicely modulated as to make itself heard, and this without any apparent effort, by every person of even so large an audience as faced him on Thursday. The effort was worthy of the man and the occasion. If I were to criticize it at all I should say that in hia laudable anxiety to give offence to none he sacrificed somewhat the virility of hia almost perfect effort." Many letters of regret written by those who were unable to attend the semicentennial exercises were received during commencement week. The iollowing extract is from a letter written by a member of the class of 'G7 who is now prominent as a physicist, electrician, inventor and teacher. It shows how helpful the university has been to poor men.: "I have always been proud of niy relations to Michigan University and acknowledge that I am profoundly indebted to it. If she had been other than the generous oíd mother she was who gave me what I wanted when I was poor, as the grandfather of povert y, a kind of beggarly tramp asking for intellectual nourishment, it is not probable I should ever have been able to get it. The cost of getcing what I wanted at other inetitutions that couldhave provided it, would to me have been prohibitive. Doubtless many have in like manner profited by the generosity of Michigan and feel under similar obligations to it. If I were rich I would certainly build the Univer.-i'y a gymnasium, or in some way return with interest its investment in me."
Old News
Ann Arbor Register