Personal And Social
Subscribers to the Register who wish to take advantage of the free mail delivery, should leave their street address at this offloe. J. J. Goodyear was in Detroit Tuesday on business. Titus F. Hutzel was a Detroit visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. Dietas spent Monday with friends in Milan. Geo. Moore, of Detroit, was home Sunday and Monday. Moritz Levi was an Ann Arbor visitor to Toledo Sunday. Miss Maud Hudson, is visiting friends in Detroit this week. Mrs. E. Chapin is visiting her son Theodore, in Boyne City. Mrs. Rev. W. H. Ryder left Wednesday for Milwaukee, via the lakes. Herman Hulzel was home from Elgin, Hls., a few days the past week. Miss Chittenden, of the high school, is rusticating at Nantucket Beach. Geo. Millen and M. F. Lantz celebrated Independence day in Jonesville. A. J. Volland, of Grand Rapids, visited his relatives in this city last week. Dr. Wood was called to Owosso, Monday, for professional consultation. Rev. and Mrs. Sunderland are rusticating at Devil's Lake for a few days. F. B. Ainger, editor of the Sturgis Republican, made us a pleasant cali Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Waterman left for Bay View, Wednesday, to spend the summer. Adolph Krause, of Grand Rapids, visited his brother Samuel Krause, over Sunday. County Clerk Howlett and family are camping at Cavanaugh Lake for a few days. E. J. Field, of New Mexico, was the guest of BeDJ. Brown, the first of the week. Mr. Robeson, of Port Huron, is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore. Fred. W. Miller, of Northville, spent the 4th at home, visiting his mother and friends. A. J. Millard and wife, of Detroit, visited relativos m the city, Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stebbing, of Detroit, were in the city over Sunday, visiting relatives. F. Eugene Yale and J. W. Bennett, celebrated the Fourth visiting friends in Mt. Clements. Miss Lillie Boughton, of Detroit, was the guest of Ann Arbor friends the first of the week. Charles Ludlow and wife, of Detroit, visited their parents in this city Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Dr. Snyder, of Freeport, HL, is visiting her sister?, Mrs. Chas. Boylan and Mrs. J. Traver. Hon. A. 1. Sawyer was in Lansing the first of the week trying a case before the supreme court. Hon. E. D. Kinne was in Lansing Tuesday and Wednesday on business before the supreme court. Prof. C. E. Green and family leave today for Bangor, Me., where they will remain for six weeks. W. J. Merwin and family left last Friday for their home m Decatur, Mich., to spend the summer. Dr. L. B. Kellogg has left for different points up the lakes, where he will spend most of the summer. Robert Johnston and son Frank, of Jackson, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Fall over Sunday. Conductor Mulligan of the M. C. R. R., is vieiting his mother in this city. He is accompanied by his wife. Miss Faith Heimer of S. Ingalls st, will leave tomorrow for Lockport, N. Y., where she will spend the summer. N. Smith and wife, of Manchester, were the guests of Rev. Frederick Schmid, of S. Main-st, the first of the week. Mrs. Geo. Hadezits and family, of Detroit, are spending a few weeks with her father, David DePue, of Pittsfield. I. B. Bent, of Kandall's art store is, rusticating at Mackinac, Mich., Chicago, and Aurora, Hls., for a few weeks. Rev. T. C. Gardoer and wife, of Ypsilanti, were the guests of Mr. C. Bert, of West Huron-st, commencement week. Miss Wood, who has been visitiDg her brother, Dr. Wood, for the past two weeks, returned to her home in Monroe, Tuesday. Mrs. ilattie Holbrook, of Grand Eapid?, visited her sisters, Mrg. Wainright and Miss Davidson, during commencement week. Mrs. Huntley, of Grand fíapid?, returned home this morning, after a week's visitwith Mrs. B. F. and Mrs. W. W. Watts. L. Davis, who has been visiting his father in tUis city for the past few weeks, left for his home in San Francisco, Oal., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allaby and Miss Louisa Handel, of this city, were visiting relatives in Kalamazoo the first of the week. Dr. W. M. Edwarde, class of '84, now physician in the insane asylum at Kalamazoo, was the guest of Dr. G. A. Hendricks over Suüday. Martin Clark is on an extensive tour through Michigan, also a part of Indiana and Illinois, in the interest of "The Physician and Surgeon." J. K. Kimura, medie '87, will leave for Japan to practice his profession, as soon as he can dispose of his house hold goods, advertised elsewhere. Uttmer Eberbach is in Detroit this week attending the meeting of the state ceutical board, of which he is president, His wife accompanied him. Mrs. Lucy M. Clark went last Monday to Dundee, for a week's stay to visit her brother, Dr. C. W. Mead, also her mother and brother, in Petergburgh. Miss Marie Spring, who has been visiting her father, August Hutzel for the past two months, will return to her home in Hamburg, Canada, today. Rev. J". Schweinfurth, cousin of the African explorer and father of Mrs. Ohlinger, was in the city commencem ent week, the guest of Rev. Mr. Ohlinger and Prof. E. Baur. Prof. and Mrs. M, E. Cooley and children will leave in a few days for Fairport, N. Y., to visit Mrs. Cooley's parents. The professor will remain but a few days, but the others will probably remain all summer. Dr. W. P. Miller, daas of '87, who was recently appointed physician in the Sanitarium in Detroit, was in the city Sunday on his way to Kansas City, Mo., where he expects to as-ociate himself with Dr. W. B. Sexton, class of '86. Dr. and Mrs. Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ottmer Eberbach and Abner Mann, will start for Petoskey, Saturday, to attend the annual meeting of the State Pharmaceutical Association, which meets in that city next week.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register