POWDER Absoluteiy Pure. Tnlspowder never vanes. A marvel of purlty strength and wholesomeness. More economlcal than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum orphosphate powders. Sold onlyin Can. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., 106 Wall treet, N. Y. FoiSale. The property known as the " DELHI MILLS '' located 4J4 miles west of Alm Arbor, on the HurĂ³n River, Washtenaw Connty, Michigan There are three milis, and all in complete order, with a valuable and unfailing water power.' 11 The Ithaca Mili" has 7 sets of rolls, capable of manufacturing 150 bbls. per day, with ampie storage for wheat. The Delhi Mili has 3 run of stone for custom as well as for flouring, and a saw mili. Every Facility is afforded by the Michigan Central Hailroad for the transportation of flour and wheat to and from the milis and to market.' The local advantage for supply of wheat is excellent, being in the center of one of the best and largest gram producing counties in the State. The property will be eold, the whole or a part, with the cooper shops, sheds, etc, at a great bargain.and on terms very favorable to the purchaser. If not sold before the lOth of August next, it will on that day, at 11 o'clock a. m., be sold by auction at the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, to the hightest bidder. Terms made known on the day of sale. For furthor information address C. H. EICHMOND or I. M. WHEELER, Ann Arbor, Mioh. Ann Arbor, May 9, 1S87. 649-58
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