Literary Notes
In the coming number of The American Magazine, Yj. L. White will describe the Supreme Court of the United States and give brief accounts of its distinguished members. And now Prof, William T. Harris, the distinguished representative of the Concord School of Philosophy, is to appear as a critic of Henry George's land theory. An ait'cle from him will be published in the July number of the Forum. Mr. Andrew D. White will publish in the July Popular Science Monthly the second of a series of articles, begun some time ago, under the title of "New Chepters in the Warfare of Science." The forthcoming article will treat of the progress of human enlightenment in the domain ot meteorology. The Panama Canal is an undertaking about which various opinions are vigorously expressed, often on but elight basis of information. In The Popular Science Monthly for July, Mr. Stuart F. Weid will discuss, with fresh and reliable data, the commercial need of the cana!, and the prospects of its completion. Although not a very distant neighbor, the republic of Venezuela is little known to Northern Americana. A land of perpetual fummer, it presenta many and varied attractions to the tourist which are to be pleasantly set forth by Dr. W. F. Eutchinson in the The American Magazine for August, with a portrait of the renowned Venezuelan President, General Guzman Blanco. In the forthooming July Harper's the gtrongest article is the opening one on "A Printed Book," which makes a prcer sequel to the June article on " A Sheet of Paper, " m the series of Great Americaa Industries. 'With admirable conciseness, and yet with cyclopsedic thoroughnesp, R. R. Bowker 'ndicatês the yarious substitutes for printing in the ages before Gutenberg, and the steps which prepared the way for the European invention of movable type which has revolutiomaed the world. All the departments of labor combining to produce the modern miracle of a printed book are clearly explained : the manufacture of type, the compositor's work, the preparation for the press by stereotyping or electrotyping, the printing-presses, with the secreta of their operation, the folding, stitehing, and binding. Of course the most essential portion of the subject is the evolution of the printing-press from the early embryonic band-machine to the magical Hoe cylinder-presses, which perform the feat of printing "four, six, eight, ten, or twelve page paper of various sizes, six, seven, and eight columns in width, de livering the same, cut at the top, passed down the center margin, folded as desired, counted in lots, at a speed of from 12,000 to 72,000 perfect newspapers per hour, depending on the size and number of pages to be printed " The less familiar subject of engraving is also fully unfolded, and the yarious styleg of reproduction which have recently hen developed for the uses of illustrated pubüeations. The Typograph:cal Union and the economie features of printing have their share of attentien. Twenty illustratious render the article peculiarly attractive and valuable. A young man is apt to stammer and stutter when he declares bis passion. Sometimes the pitying girl helps him out, and sometimes it is her pitiless father. - New England Journal of Education. A man was mourning orer the death of his son. "Just to think," said he "that my son should be killed by a stranger ! Why, he was well acquainted in this community, and there are any number of men who would have been willing to kill him ; but no, he must go away and be killed by a stranger. That boy always had an unaccountable disposition." - Arkansas Traveller. A bullet aimed at a St Louis young lady Iodgedin her newspaper busile, and she was uninjured. And yet some persons argue that the power of the Dress is ing! -
Old News
Ann Arbor Register