The Blue And Gray
![The Blue And Gray image](/sites/default/files/aa_register/aa_register_18870707-p02-04.jpg)
Getttsbüeo, Fa., July 5.- Saturday was the first day of the reunión of the Philadelphia brigade and Pickett's división. The Philadelphia brigade was first to arrive, but soon aftor the Southerners arrived and were met at the depot by the brigade whose guests they were. The Confedérate veterans were marched to the square, where a rousing reception was given them. Then the blue ani the gray marched arm in arm to the courthouse, where they were weleomed by short speecües and an address by Colonel A. K. McClure, which was responded to by Colonel W. R. Aylett, of Pickett's división. A letter was also read from President Cleveland congratulating the fraternal spirit which prompted the reunión. Bunday Tisiting soldiers from both sides spent the morning wandering over the battle-field and exchanging reminiscences. In the afternoon the processicn headed by adjutant Whitecar, marched from the Eagle hotel over the route taken twenty-four years ago to the scène of Pickett's famous charge. Colonel O'Brien, of the Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania, then called the assembled soldiers together and read a list of the killed and wounded of the regiment. He introduced General G. T. O wen, who delivered an eloquent oration. Colonel Reilly then presented the Sixty-ninth's monument to the care and keeping of the BatUefield Memorial Society. The Seventy -first then took the platform. General Burns was introduced as orator and spoke for some time, after which General Wistar presented the Seventyfirst's monument to the Battle-field Association. Yesterday morning the survivors of Pickett's división held a meeting at the court-house, at which thanks were voted to the Philadelphia brigade and Gettysburg authorities. The Confedérate and Union veterans then united in a procession - a Union and Confedérate Unked arm in arm. At the Eagle Hotel the veterans etttered carriages, and, led by Mrs. Pickett and son, rode to the battlefield where, on the scène of Pickett's charge, Mrs. Pickett held a reception. In the evening a religious service was held, and Mrs. Pickett held a reception at the Pickett división headquarters. Then the camp-fire was rekindled, and speechmaking and toas t-offe rings were the order until late in the night, when the reunión carne to an end. All in all, it was an occasion never to be forgotten.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register