Increased Assessments
Indiaítapolis, Ind., July 4.- The County Board of Equalization completed its work yesterday, and the result shows aa in'crease of $2,000,000 over the vaïuation of parsonal property ás returned by the assessors. Several men who are known to possess ready moaey and farted to give ït in had their personal ty raised to astonishing amounts, in some cases as mttch as $30,00a The raüroads suffered most at tha hands of the board. The Pan-Haadle gve in $46,000 of personalty, and tais was raised to $125,000. The Big Four had its assessment of $1,400 raised to $50,000, and the Indianapolis, Decatur & SpringfieW is ordered to pay on $75,000, whereas it gave in only $3,ü00. The total increase in tha railroads ainounts to $400,000.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register