Early In The Field
Delawaus, O., July 2.- John T. Moore of Jckson, O , was made permanent chairman of the Ohio State Prohibition convention Thursday and L. B. Logan secretary. The platform declares against the Dow liquor law, denounces anarchy and fails to indorse woman suffrage. The following nominations were made: Morris Sharp, Washington Court-House. for Governor; D. Z. Mills, of Wooster, for Lieutenant-Governor; Thomas Evans, of Delawaro Auditor; R. Brown, of Youngstown, Treasurer; John T. Moore, of Jackson, C. H. and Gideon T. Stewart, of Huron, for Judge of the Supreme Court ; George T. Crow, of Urbana, for Attorney-General, and Abraham Teachout, of Cleveland, for Member of the Board of Publio Works.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register