Indian Affairs
Washington, July 4.- The Northwest Indian Commission, perhape one of the most important commissions of this kind ever sent out by the Government, has completed its labors, and is now about ready to submit a final report to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The commission was composcid of Judge John N. Wrisht, of Tennessee; Dr. J. W. Daniels, of Minnesota, and H. W. Andrews, of New York. This commission ■was empowered to treat witb. thirty-one different bands or tribes, scattered all over the Northwestern States and Territories, differing much in their language, habits of lifeaand stages of civilization. The objects of the commission, according to its instructions, 7ere to consolídate the scattered bands of the same bloods on the same reservations; have abandoned reservations sold, the money to be used f or the support and civilization of the lndians, reduce the sizes of reservations where they are large, cede the lands not needed by the Iudians to the United States tor a fair price, and to settle various large oioiinQ ivhiph mms of the ibes had against the Government. Of he thirtyone bands treated with they were successful in making agreements with all but iour. By the terms ol the various agreements made the Indiana have been dealt with justly, ampie provisión made for their support, education and civilization, and by the cessions of land between 25,000,000 and 30,000,000 of acres of land timbered, agricultural, grazing and mineral, wiU be opened for sale and settlement, which now lies idle and unproductive. Kights of way for railroads have been obtained, over which railroads are now being or are to be constructed. It is believed that the negotiations ol this commission have tended to increase the confidenoe of the tribes visited in the sense of justice and kindly intentions i f those who have control and management of Indian aftairs.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register