In the National Base Ball Loague the clubs have won ani lost as follows: Clubs. Won. Lost. Detroit 36 15 Boston S 20 NewYork 32 22 Chicago 28 20 Philadelphia 24 28 Pittsburgh 19 28 Washington 17 29 lndianapolis 1 o American Association : Clubs. Won. Lost. St. "Louis 43 15 Baltimore SC Cincinnati 33 27 Louisville 3J 29 Athletic 23 30 Brooklyn 2, 6 Metropolitan 1 Cleveland 14 43 Northwestern ljeague: Clubs. W Lost. Milwaukee 28 IS Oshkosh 28 17 Des Moines 21 20 St.Paul LaCrosse 17 20 Minneapolis 14 16 Duluth 18 1 Eau Claire 1" o
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