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EBERBACH & SON, DfiUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and well selected stook Of DKUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DTE-STUFFS, A.BTISTS' AND WAX FLOWEB MATS RIALS, TOILET ARTICLJES, TRU83B8, a PÜRK WINES AND LIQUOBS Special attention pald to the furnishing of PSysicians, Ohemists, Schools, etc., with Philosophlcsl and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemlan Chemloa! Glaaswaie, Porcelafn Ware, Pure Reagents, etc Physicians Prescrlptlons carefally prepaied il all honn. 427-178 LTJMBES LUMBERI LUMBER! If you ooutemplate building oeill at FERDON HHiSDI Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LITMBEK We manufacture our own Lumber and ?uarantee VERY LOW PRIOESI -fi ve us a cnll nnd we ui 1 1 make lt to yonr interest, as our large and well graded stock fully snstains our asser tlon. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop. T. J. K Ci: 1 J . Snpt. 127-178 SÏSSBY & SEAIOLT ÜTOS. S -A-IsTID 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of eveu thing 11 tae BROCERY LINE! Teas, Cofees and Sugars All prime Articles bought for Casn and can sell atlow figures. Our frequent large involces ol Teas is a sure sign that we glve bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOB. We roast our own coffees every week, alwayi fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the yery best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and see us. 482-5OT PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescription of a physician who has had a life long axperience in treating female diseases. Is used roonthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe, cffectual. Ladies askyour druggist for Pennjroyal Wafers and take no Bubstitute, or inclose post aee Í or sealed particulars. Sold bf all druEgists, 1 per bor. AddresS THE EUREKA CHEMICAL CO.-, Detroit, Mica. Bold In Aun Arbor by EBERBACH Forest City Bird Store, Blfr jl established 187iSing" - Ihr ing Birds, Talking ?arSP9 V'. rots, Bird Cages, Pure 7TPi- Seed, Song Bestprer, fCit.' Insect Cure, Fishing .af - Tackle, Bird Books. k l'oultry Supplies, Gold T Fish, Dogs &their Medicines, Ferretí, Bird's Eyes. B. H. WlthOïf, 349 Superior St., Cleveland, Ohio. así-n -n RWILSON WASHBOARDS. These WasliboatJ are made with a Bent-Wood rim. The Strongest boards and best wasbers in th world. For ale by all dealera. TSVSíS2W M-F.O CO, SttgluaiTj Michigan


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