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The Michigan Wheelmen

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The annual meeting of the Michigan Wheelmen, which occurs in this city tomorrow, promises to be very successful, as over 300 have siguified their intention of being present. The prizes which are offered are now on exhibition in O. W. Wagner's window. Following is the progkamme: 10:00 A. m. Business meeting. 11:00 a. M. Hill elimbing contest. One-half mile. 12:00 M. Picture taking. 12:30 p. M. Pinner at Hangsterfer's. 1:30 p. m. Parade. 2:00 p. m. Campus race (novice). 3:00 p.m. Triaugle race. Via Saline and Ypsilanti (28 miles). 3:10 P. M. Trick riding. 430 P M. Team race. From Ypsilanü to Ann Arbor „%lA miles). 8:00 P. m. Reception. At 1 :30 p. m. they will form in the club room and start on the PARADE around the Square, up Main to Liberty, on Liberty to Fourth, thence to Huron, up Hurón to División, thence to William, down William to Main, thence to Packard, up Packard to Madison, thence to State, down State via circuit of campus to Ar.n, down Ann to F.fth, up Fifth to William, thecce to Campus, around walks to S. W. corner where racts start. People along the line are requested to decórate their houses, and to sprinkle the street during the forenoon, not later than noon. THK OFFICERS of the day will consiet of the following gentlemen : Referee- H. M. Snow, Detroit. Judges- J. H. Johnson, Prof. H. W. Rogers and Evart Scott. Time keepers- W. W. Watts, H. P. Ellis. Starter- Theo. Huss. East Saginaw. Scorers- Geo. H. Pond and Horton Byran. The umpires will be selected on the day of the races, 2 for the hill climbing, 7 for the Campus ; 6 for the Triangle ; 2 for the Ypsilanti team race. The hill climbing contest will take place in lower town up Broadway from the small bridge one half mile. In the evening they will be given a reception by J. E. Beal. Saturday morning at 7 o'clock they will wheel to Detroit, where a very interesting prograrame has been arranged.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register