Mack & Schmid's
Newand Cheap New Spring Goods have again been opened during the last week at And every Department will show the latest arrivals in new goods. We have the largest assortment and best values in Foreign and Domestic iiimwiis,iiiiEs.!tt.,itt, black :d:r,:e]ss o-ooids. Making these gcods a specialty, we buy only goods which we know to be standard in quality and color, and henee our reputation tor the best Black Goods in this oity has never been disputed. Among our selection will be found at lowestprices Lupin's Melrose Oloth, Henrietta Cloth, Carmelita Oloth, Marie Galante Oloth, Congo Oloth, Sebastopol Otripes, Cotehnes, Drap de Alma, Diagonal Oord, Serges, Cashmeres and Nuns Veilings. Special attention is also directed to our very extensive assortment of Sprinsr Jerseys. Our constant aim is to give öetter value in every thing we sell than any other house in Ann Arbor. MACK & SCHMID.
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