Richmond & Treadwell
JT7ST RECEXYED New Stock of Furniture at the KECK STORES, South Main-st. New Parlor and Bed Room Suites, fancy Centre Tables and Stands- beautiful wde Boards in Antique Oak, Walnut and Cherry Book Cases, Secretaries, Extensión Tables, Parlor, Reception, Dining Room and Common Chairs. Furniture i all kinds fresh and new. Splendid line of Lace and Heavy Curtains, Draperies and Drapery Trimrnings of New and Elegant Patterns, New Smyrna Rugs, Brus8e.' Tapestry, Three-Ply and Ingrain Carpets of the attest patterns and lowest Pnces. Hair, Wool, Cotton, Fiber and Husk Mattresses, all at bottom prices. We cali special attention to our New and Handsome Bed Room Suites, only Don't; miss the chance now offered to purchasers your Furniture at the Tery lowest prices for cash. O Upholstering and Repairing neatly and promptly done at our stores.
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