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Some of the Sand Lake excursionista save returned. O. E. Hawkins and his devil tock in Mooreville the 4th. Mrs. Ed. Sheldon, of Jackson, is visiting at Harvey Bennett's. Mr. and Mrs. Wahr, of Ann Arbor, 8pent the 4th in town. G-. J. Nissly and Fred Oook attended the celebration at Tecumseh. Mr. Wilcox and family, of Elkhart, lnd., are visiting at Mr. Ruckman's. Mr. and Mrs. Davis, of Albion, Mich., are visiting his brother, C. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. R. Spokes, of Ann Arbor, celebrated at Saline and Moorevüle the 4th. L. Lutz, who is clerking for J. T. Jacobs & Co., at Ann Arbor, spent the 4th at ïome. It is Justice McKinnon now and John says it is a good opening here for another awyer. The party of G. A. R. who vieited ?leasant Lake the 2nd inst. report a very ileasaut trip. The Michigan Poultry farm has sold rom three-fourths of an'acre 105 bushels of strawberries. Mart. King, who is employed by a fruit ïouse, at Toledo, is visiting his old home he present week. Depnty County Clerk W. A. Brown assed through the city enroute for iridgewater Sunday. P. D. Ford, W. N. Brainard, A. B. Van )uzer and Mart. Reynolds took in the Detroit and Boston games the 4th. Miss Nellie and Master Geo. Gauntlett with two young friends, of Detroit, are isiting Fred Gauntlett of this place. Sixteen young fellows of Saline went o the Ridge the evening of the 4th and ook sixteen other young fellows' sisters. Mayor Clark and famüy, with his rother and Clark Wortley and their families, of Ypsilanti, enjoyed a picnic at the Mead grove the 4th inst. Chas. Burkhart has moved to his beautiful farm residence, one-half mile west of the city. Charley, and many of his Ann Arbor and Saline fnends enjoyed a splendid visit at his grove the 4th. What is the matter Argus ? Saline is democratie by eighty, but we see you fall baak on the old reliable party for timber for a correspondent. A republican partner and republican correspondent, will, without doubt, save you. I see my friend Deputy County Clerk Brown had a little brush with the sheriff and the report says Brown came out ahead. Good Art, and if you want 111 come over and play partner with you. "Save Saline by all meane."


Old News
Ann Arbor Register