The huckleberry season is here. No Fourth of July accidents to report trom this regiĆ³n. Mrs. Hoyt, of Hastings, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. KaJey. Fred Everett was home from Kalamf.zoo last Sunday and Monday. A number of our citizens attended the great University jubilee festival at Ann Arbor last week. Claire Durand, of Ann Arbor, and Will Durand, of Battle Creek, spent the Fourth at the old homestead here. G. A. Gay and wife, of Stockbridge, spent the Fourth with Mrs. Gay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Everett. Mrs. Ames, of Ann Arbor, sis'er of Mrs. Aaron Durand, was one of the Durand faraily party, at Kavanaugh lake, last Monday. A number of our citizens, who are able to stand the raoket, made displays of fireworks at their homes, on Monday evening. Just to please the ohildren, you know. Mrs. Dr. Rabertson, of Battle Creek, with her two youngest children, spent three days,including the "glorious Fourth," with her parent?, Mr. and Mrs. A. Durand. Miss Hattie Noyes, who was thrown from a buggy by a frightened horse, at Ann Arbor, last Wednesday, received but slight injuries, from which she is now fully reoovered. There was a general turnout of Chelsea citizens, old and young, last Monday, to attend the Fourth of July picnic at Kavanaugh lake. Quite a display oL fireworks was made upon the island in the evening. Rev. Wm. Campbell, pastor of the M. E. church, has gone to Bay View for a long vacation, hoping thereby to improve his failing health. Rev. Dr. Holmes has been engaged to supply his pulpit during his absence.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register