The country schools have about all closed. Dexter people are longing for a street sprinkler. A number of concrete walks are being built in Dexter. Mr. Kirkwood, of Sharon, is building an addition to his house. Not a town or a city in the county celebrated the glorious4ih. The work on the Center church, in Sharon, has been completed. About twenty of Salines' first ladies are spending the week at Sand Lake. J. O. Thompson has resigned his position as assistant editor of the Dexter Leader. The photograph car which has been in Dexter for several months has been moved to this city. The Leader thinks that if Dexter only had a set of weather signáis, their people would be happy. An ovarian tumor was removed from Miss Ninta, daughter of Geo. Coe, of York, last Monday. The young lady is doing well. I. O. G. T. society, of Mooreville, will hold an ice cream social at the residence of Mr. James McMu'len, on Friday evening, July 15th. The supper and celebration which was announced to be held in Gehringer's grove, in Freedom, July 4th, has been postponed until the 15th of August. A Saline township young man bought a $14 gun last spring and up to date he has bagged $13 worth of woodchuck scalps besides having lots of fun. Mrs. M, B. Ford's residence in Milan, was entered last week Thursday night by thieves, wbo stole two notes of $100 and $14 respectively, and $28 in casb. James II. Kress, of Bridgewater, claims that he bad 35 fleeces of wool stolen from his granary, and other farmers throughout the county complain of having had wool stolen. A mare belonging to Wm. Pease, living on the Ypsilanti road, was fuiind Friday night, wkh a broken hind leg, and had to be killed. The mara was running with her ooit in the road.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register