Filial Scruples
On the avenue - "Know him?" "Who?" "Old chap in tlie queah clothes tliat juït passed." "Of cawse I do." "Go you a big fizz I can guess who ho is iuside of faw guesses." "Go you." "Tailaw?" "Naw." "Bootmakaw?" "Naw." "Hattaw?" "Naw." "The dayvil; tben ho must be the baws dealaw." "Ho isn't." "Who tho dooce is he, then? ' "He's my fathaw." "Oh, the dayvil. You awtn't to take advantage of a fellaw like that; how the dooce was I to know he was youah fawthaw?" "Cussme if I know; f act is, I don't know the govnaw meself , in public, when he's got his cussed vulgaw togs on ; a fellaw can't aff awd to be indiscwiminate, don't chew know."
Old News
Ann Arbor Register