Minor News Items
■ According to the new city directory St. Paul has a population oí 155,577. In the fiscal year just ended 55,000 new pensioners were placed on the rolls. All the glass factories in the country shut down on Thursday Tor frhirty or sixty days. The President will attend the centennial celebration at Clinton, N. Y., on tho 13th of July. About $74,009,000 will have been paid out during the year for pensions, at a cost of $3,500,000. Minneapolis' latest directory claims an increase of 10,000 in the population of the city the past year. Two hundred people were poisoned at a sociable at Amboy, O., by eating icecream, but no deaths are reported. During the six months ended June 80 there were 3,750 miles oí new main railway track laid in the United States. Cardinal Gibbons is authority for the etatement that the Holy See has no intention oí scnding a Nuncio to this country. Mahlen Crane died at his home near Morris, 111., Tuesday, aged ninety-three. ge had been sixty-eigh t y ears a FreemaBon. The McCoy glycerine factory, four miles east of Findlay, O., exploded Wednesday, wrecking the building and killing four picn. The Giant Tobacco Company, of Louisville, has made an assignment, with liabilities of ÏIOO.OOO and assets nominally the same. At Kutlan.l, Vt, Thursday a gas explo sion oceurred that destroyed a great deal of propsrty and caused injury to several persons. Jennie, Kate and Emily Belder, of Mt Washington, Pa., were burned to death Friday by the explosión oí a can of petroleum. Japanese printers have reproduced In excellent style a number of American publications used as text-books in the schools of Japan. : The Standard Paper Company of Milwaukee made an assignment "Wednesday afternoon, owing nearly Ï200.000, with assets of about $130,01)0. The London Times urges that every county in Ireland where the National league operates shall be proclaimed under the summary clauses of the coerción act By the death of a relative in Germany Philip P. Bruner, of Galena, 111., andsevcn other persons have fallou heirs to an estáte valued at f:2,000,003. Henry Hamilton, a wealthy planter and stockman living near Little Rock, Ark., was lynehed Friday for murdering tvvo brothers named Harris. A. C. Holland, of Chicago, one of the most expert electricians in the West, was instantly killed Friday by an electric current wbile setting up machinery. Bishop James A. Shorter, ol the Airican Methodist Episcopal Church, died suddenly Friday moi-ning at his home in Wilberforce, O., aged sevonty years. The iron manufacturers and workmen reached an agreement Thursday at Pittsburgh, and a scale of wages embodying a ten per cent. advance was signed. Victor Costello, son of the rector of the the Episcopal Church, at Green Bay, Wis., was fatally injured Monday by the explosión of a cannon he was loading. Thomas Ballard, the notorious counterfeiter, has been pardoned by the President. Executive clemency has also been extended to half a dozen other convicts. Señor Romero, the Mexican Minister at Washington, believes the new Mexican postal treaty will largely increase trade betwccn the United States and Mexico. In the Indianapoüs election fraud cases, udge "P oods, of the United States Court, verruled the motion Friday to quasti the ndictment, and set the trial for Juiy 19. The wheat harvest in Dakota will begin about July 25. The erop prospects are relorted by the territorial statistician to be jenerally less favorable than thirty days ago. George Jekel, charged with the murder at JefEersonville, Ind , of Bessie Aldrich, was given his liberty on Thursday, there being no evidenco that he committed the deed. The Queen laid the corner-stone oí the :mperial Institute at London, Monday. Twenty thousand peop'e, incluiing a large number oL notabilit:es, witnossed the ceremonies. The final exercises of the semi-contennial commencement of the University of Michigan took place at Ann Arbor on Thursday. Diplomas were issued to 409 gradúate s. A statement issued by the United States Treasurer shows that the present indebtedness of the District of Columbia is Í20,881,05v, a net reduction of fl,225,600 since July 1, 1878. 'Ihe Chinese Government has offlcially announced the forthcoming marriage of the Emperor oí China, now twelve years of age. The festivities, it was said, would cost 15,000, 000. DThe Weber Brewing Company's malthouse at Cincinnati and adjoining buildings, were destroyed by fire Monday night. Two men were killed and several were injured by falling walls. The hay erop throughout the Northwes t is turning out poorly. The apple prospects are described as "fair to middüng." Wheat in Kansas has been seriously injured by chinch-bugs. One hundred and seven fire insurance companies, twenty-nine Ufe and one accident insurance company are doincr business in Iowa, tosether with twenty-nine assessmeot or co-operative associations. The St. Louis cooperage establishment was burned Monday night entailing a loss ol tl00,000, fully insured. Heppely & Hopf's brewery at Pittsburgh was also destroyod. The insurance aggregates $20,000. A brute named Reilly hurled a lighted lamp at a woman in a New York tenement house Saturday, his excuse being that her hnsband had whipped him the night bef ore. The woman's baby was burned to death. In a pigeon-shooting contest at Des Moines, Ia., Thursday, for the championship of America, C. W. Budd, of Des Moines, killed ninoty-seven birds, against ninety-five knocked over by J. H. Stice, of Illinois. Herbert Taylor, a smart young fellow f rom Worcester, Mass, personated Walker Blaine, the son of James G., in Montreal and victimlzed hotel-keepers some thoi sands of dollars by means of forged checks. fle is under arrest. As a reduit of a Oak Ridgo (La.) assault and riot thirtaen persons are dead, one white and twelve negroes. A number of the colored men were lvnched. Others 1 said to be concerned in the affray are beIng pursued, and will be hung if captured. W. W. Russell, the Cheyenne (W. T.) lawyer sentenced to two years in Joliet (IU.) pcnitentiary, was ïhursday discharged on a pardon from Governor Moonlight. One of the conditions of the pardon was that Russell should nerer again driuk 'iquor.
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