NO COLD FEET ! Send one dollar in currency, with Bize of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Iusoles for rheumatism, cold feet and bad circulation. They are the most powerful made in tlie world. The wearer feels thewarmth, life and revitalization in three minutes after putting them on. Sent by return mail upon receipt of price. Send your address for the " New Departure in Medical Treatment Without Medicine," with thousands of testimoniáis. Write us full particulars of difficulties. Our Magnetic Kidney Belts for gentlemen will positively cure the following diseases without medicine: Pain in the back, head or limbs, nervous debility, lumbago, general debility, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, sciatica, diseases of the kidneys, torpid liver, seminal emissions, impotency, heart disease, dyspepsia, indigestión, hernia or rupture, piles, etc. Consulta ; tion free. Price of Belt, with Magnetic Insoles. 810. Sent by express C. O. D. or by return mail upon recept of price. Send measure of waist and size of shoe worn. Send lor circulars. Order direct, NOTE- The above described Belt with insoles is warranted to positively cure clironic cases of seminal emissions and impotency or moneyrefunded even after oue year's trial. TJtK HAOSET1C AFPI-IASÍOE CO., 1M UiMirliom St., llicno. IK. Husband - what weroou and old Mm. Smith iHlking ?o earnestly about? Wife - O', nothing in particular; simply ot;e ihmg and another. Husband - I see. Rhe talked about one thh.g and you talked about another. - L'fe. Vsloiaïsliin Smiimss. It i-: the duty of every person who has uíed Boohee's Germán Syiup to let its wonder.'ul qu lities ba known to tlieir friends in cunng consnmption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in l'act all aud throat diseases. No p rou can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any cae, aud we consider it the duty of all DruggisW to recomtnend it to the poor, dying consumpi ive, at leist to try one b.'ttle, as 80,000 d. zen bottles were sold last year, and no one OMfl vvhere it faileil was reported. Such a medie ne as the Germán Syrup cuno: be too widely known. Ask your ilrugeist lor it. Simple bottles to try, sold at 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Sold by all DriiEüiists and Dealers, in the United S'.atee nd Canada. A ti old soldier who had both legsamputated COmplaÏDI of a violeiit siuk heauaotie. 'What do you advise, doctar?" he inquired of the physician who had been Mimmor,', d. '' I should recomme'jd a w.irm toot bntn immediately," returned the man of wisdom. - Paris Soir. We ghnuld economize at all times, but more e pecially when times are close. Observe the purehases ot your thnfty neighDor.-. More subï-tantial beneüts eau be obiaiiied Irooi a flliy cent bottle of Dr. Bigelow'g Poitive Care than a dollar bottle of any other cou;;h remedy. It is a :.. .mpt, safe and pleasant cure tor all 'hroat and lung troubles. Sold and ei .torsed by Eberbach & Co. Cii-U m;r - H w inuch are jour Cfteen aod half coll-irs? Furnishing goods dealrr- Triirty cenfs. Custoraer - Well, I liave but tweniy-üve cents. Furnisbing goodi (iealer - I can give you a size smaller tor that. - Judye. Q VThe Best and Purest Mediclnepj [11JVV EVER MADE. I !A.Itw!H (irive the Humorfromyonrl I II 1 TcXIsyetem, and make your skinlll III 4 AT5íikCleiin and Bmooth. Thosel I I V''j'SLpim,les and BlotchesUl S!, "m A3_wliieh mar your bcautyM E3 %? tj i jLare caused by impure W iS- ■% '-i, vèjLWood, and can bell I % %?% „SfLttae, ü you arel I II % , % "- %? Lwise and uscl I IIV. '%% "sTtSLpto greatl UI VVV'i ■%-blooliu-U LS The Doso lVV ?%%m Hl small-ouly a teaXN '. O 0J% II ■ I best and chcapesi ,Vll II meüicine. Try n, andV "a I U Uet it of your Druggist. % S I If yon are sufferin? from Kid If Iney ÍMsease, gfd vgt Bvetgjk III oíd age, use SULPHUK BITlKKok III 111 They never íail to cure. ■II Send 3 2-cent stamp to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., f or bebt medical work published? WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED W i 1 1: or h i t h o ut Fatent Index. Tour Attention is invited to the fact that in pu chsing VJje Utest issue of this work, you get A Dictionary conlaíning 3000 more words and nearly 2000 mor ílluatrations than any other American Dictionary. A Gazetteer of the World conUining OTer 25,100 Titlen, with their pronunclstion and a vast amount of other information, ( recently added,) and A Biographical Dictionary giving pronunciaron of ñames and brief facts concern ing nearly 10,000 Noted Persons; also various tables giving valuable information. All in One Book. Wehster's Unabridged Dictionary is renommonded by the State Superintendents of Schools in 36 States, and by leading College Presidenta of the Uuited States and Canada. It is Standard Authority witb the United States Supremo Court, and in the Government Printing Orneo. Ithas been selected in every case where State Purcbasea have been made for Schools, and is the Dictionary upoa which ncarly all the school books are based. Get the Latest and Best. It is an invaluablo companion in every School, and at every Fireside. Specimen pages and testimoniáis sent prepaid on application. Published by C. ft C. MERRIAM & CO., Springfleld, Mass., U.S. K.
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