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Telegraphy In Dakota

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A man from the East was visiting a friend in a Dakota town. One day he carne into his friend's office and said: "I got a telegram about a half hour ago and have been studying on it ever since, but can't make anything out of it. I'm afraid some of my family are sick." "Is it the first one they brought to you?" asked his f riend. "Tes." "Oh, well, it isn't intended for you then - they never strike it right the flrst time. Let me see it. " He took it and read as follows: Mpsüs, June 8.- J. Z. Grom: Del clsd by 12 hurrd bro quuuaurst conne tunnorrwb. Coddow & C. ''That's it," continued his friend, "this is intended for Graham the lawyer. It means for him to go ahead and buy some land for $1,200, and that the man who wants it wil] be here to-morrow. That's easy to read compared with most of them. Let's go over and give it to Graham and then hunt up your message - it has probably been delivered around town


Old News
Ann Arbor Register