A Straight Bribe
"Boy, are you aequainted around here?" he asked of a lad on Michigan avenue. "Yes, sir." "1 want to flnd the Civilized Cornice works." "Never heard of 'em." "But it's an oíd concern, and I was told to come to this córner. There's a big sign on the roof." "Oh, ."ou mean Galvanized Cornice worka It's rigbt around that corner." "But iid I say civilized?" "Yes. sir." "And the proper word is galvanized?" "That 's it." "Here - come here. Here's a dime for you, and you just keep mum about what has passed. I'm going to run for supervisor this fall on the strength of being a self-made man, who got his education by the light of a comcob candle, and I don't want the infernal opposition to get hold of the fact that the
Old News
Ann Arbor Register