Michigan Items
The Detroit gram and produce quotations are : Wheat-No. 1 White, 803@80íc-, No. 2 Red, 803(3800. Flour- Roller process, 4.00@4.25; patents, K75@5.OO. Corn- No. 2, 38&@38}ác. Oats- No. 2, 29%a Butter- Creamery 15@17c. Cheese, 9@9Kc Eggs, 13c. John Doran, while measuring lumber at Marquette a few days ago, was taken suddenly with a fit, feil into the lake, and bafore help arrived he was drowned. George Hall, agei twenty-seven years, a brakeman on R. G. Peters' railroatt, was throvvn under the cars at Manistee the other morning and killed. At Republic, Marquette County, Ruben Hubbard was recently placed in jai] charged with assaulting the fonr-year-old daughter of Mr. Louis Collins. Governor Luce has appointed Thomas Mars, of Berrien Center, member of the State Live Stock Commission; John Senter, of Eagle River, and Graham Hope, of Houghton, members of the Board of tha Central Michigan Mining School. The State prison at Jackson is to have a new block of cells, 215 f eet long by 50" feet wide, to accommodate additional convicta. Sidney Corbett, a newspaper reporter oí Jackson, wa9 publicly horsewhipped in that place the other day by the wife oí the editor of the Daily Courier, for nis alleged agency in procuring the publication oí a scandalous story regarding her. Joseph Dimmiek, a pioneer of East Tawas and a prominent Freemasoa, dead the other even ing. The oíd original Hillsdale four-oar crew is together once more on Bawbeese lak, and will make the season at the various big rowing regattas of the country if the town will put up the dust. The body of the we man cook who was on the schooner City of Sheboygan when the vessel went down off Cheboygan last falL was recovered recently near the city named and buried. Rev. John D. White, a Methodist minister, aged seventy-three years, died in Kalamazoo the other morning. Colonel Henry Whiting, of St. Clair, died the other aftéVnoon. Colonel Whiting was born at Bath. N. Y., in 1818, entered the West Point Military Academy, and was graduated in the class of '40, among his classmates being Sherman, Thomas, and many others who aiterwards became famous. He was a bravo soldier in thfl late war. Misses Ella and Mary Morrison, two Grand Rapids teachers, have gona to Europe to pass the summer in collocting Information of a professional nature, and to have a little fun besides. Arthur E. Hamilton committed suicide in Port Huron the other day by shooting. For soma time he had held a position in a bank in Kansas City, Mo. This spring ha was obliged to quit work for rest. He returned to Port Huron about six weeks ago. Ovcrwork had affected his brain. . ' W. Davis, formerly owner of the S. H. Davis refrigerator at Detroit, recently recovered judgment for $13,675 against the estáte of the late George H. Hammond as damages fornot bringing the infringment suits in Boston as contracted by him. Olivet College is to have f 100,000 added to its endowment fund. Mrs. Heaton and Mrs. Cleary pleaded guilty a few days ago to disorderly conduct in assaulting Corbett, city editor of the Citizen in Jackson, and were fined fiva dollars and costs each, which they paid. Mr. Heaton pleaded not guilty. Corbett has begun suits against all three. The car shops at Muskegon furnish employment to over two hundred men. Four Englishmen named William Keilom, William Pengilly, James Vanderslyus and Paul Hostaing were killed at the Vulcan mine at Norway, Menomlnee County, the other day by the collision of a train of ore cars with a cage in which they wero coming out of the mine. -o Reports to the State Board of Health by sixty-three observors in different parta of the State for the week ended June 25 indicated that cholera morbus, diarrhea, tonsilitis, intermittent fever, consumptioa of the lungs and erysipelas increased, and rhoumatism decreased in arca of prevalence. Diphtheria was reported at sixteen places, scarlet fever at sixteen, typhoid fever at flve and measles at fourtaen places. Giles Daubeney, aged forty years, was iound sitting on a lumber dock in Cheboygan the other morning with his brains blown out and a revolver In his hand. He was an Euglishman, out of work and despondent. As N. Shattuck and a friend were driving to Kingsley, Grand Traverse County, the other night they were stopped on the road by a man named Walter Deyoe, who ca'ught the horses by the head. Shattuck. struck the annimals with his whip tourge ;hem forvvard, but Deyoe hungon to them. Shattuck then drew his revolver and shot Deyoe just below the heart, injuring him fatally. Mrs. Chowen, of Attica, Lapeer County, ,he lady who recently inherited a large fortune, has recelved SÍ27.OOO of it.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register