V)OWWCCv'vLW. pleasant' ana results, are Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, Recommended by physicians and endorsed by all who have used them. The best remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Constipation. Guaranteed, and sold at 25c. by John Moore, Drustgist One of the idiosyncracies in New York city is parasols for pel dog. This is what weshould callan idiotsyncrpzy. - New Haven News. (MSTIPATI0N1 Tïera te do medium throngh which disease e a often attacks tha system as by Constipation, and there Í3 no other ül flesh is heir to.more apt to bo üeglected, froin the fact material iDsonvenience may not be immediately feit from irregular action of the bowek Wien there is not regular action, Í2Q reiention of decayed and effete natter, with its poisonous gases, soou poisons the whole system by being absorbed into it,' caosing piles, fístula, headache, impure blood end many other serious affections. BÜRD9CK BLOOD BITTERS will Immediately relieve, and one bottle positively cure or relieve any case of Constipation. - . "Was troubled for a year with torpid liver and indigestión, and after trying everything imaginable, used TBÜRDOCK BLOOD BIlTERSy The first bottle revived me and the second cured me entirely."- J. S. WüÜanMoa. Eochester, N. T. A NEW ERA! i üpe m. Sal-Iuscatelle. The crystaHized salts as extracted from grapes and fruit; a most wonderful product from Nature's laboratory ; the greatest sovereign preparatlon ever placed before the American public. 8al-Muscatelle Is Nature's own product ; it supplies to the weary system the want of sound, riñe grapes and fruit ; it keepa the blood pure and the bram clear; is a Datura! blessing to the faggedout and weary, an imperative companion to business men, ladies and children. Have it ia your homes, travels, summer resorts and sea-sida cottages. ick headache apd bypepïa CUre Prepared by the SAL-MUSCATELLE CO., P. O. Box 3482, Xew York City. :fo:r. sale by H.J.BROWN Druggist, ANN ARBOR, - MIOH. Farranö, Williams & Co, Whotale Agts. XJETBOIT. CAPTAIN THE HONORABLE ALISTAIR HAY, THIRD BATTALION BLACK WATCH Royal Highlander's (8ECOND SON OF THE EARL OF KINNOÜLL.) DUPPLIN CASTLE, PERTH, SCOTLAND. ï TO THE LIEBIG COMPANY: " I was In a condition of great debility, consequent upon a broken-down stomach, dyspepsi and malaria, complicated with kidney irritaaoa, when my medical attendant directed me to take your incomparable Coca Beef Tonic. lts effect was slmply marvelous. The power of digestión was quickly restored, the kidney irritatiou vaa ished and rapid restoration to health followed : "Other preparatlons of Coca had been tried without the slightest effect1' HOF, CHAS, LUDW2G W UMI Professor of Medicine at the Royal Vniverstty; Knight ofthe Rrual Auxtrian Order of the Iron Croum; Knight Commaiider of the Royal Span1nh Order of Isabella; Knioht of the Ruyal Prution Order of the Red Eagle; Chevalier of th hegixm of Honor, !;., ie, says : II i: li K. CO. S COCA BEEF TOMO should not be confounded with the horde of trashy cure-alls, It is in no sense of the word a mtent remedy. I am thoroughly convereant wlti ts mode of preparatlon and knowit tobe notonljr a legitímate pharmaceutical product, but alao worthy of the high commendations it has received n all paris of the world. It contains essence of 3eef, Coca, Qulnine, Iron and Calisaya, whieh ara dissolved in pure genuine Spamsh Imperial Crown gherry." InvaWable to all who are Run Down, Nervom, Dyspeptic, Bilious, Malarious or afflicted witb weak kidneys. Beware of Imita ( ions, Ier ïéun FaTorite Cosmsttic ülmm Used byHer Royal Hlghness the Prlnce of Vales and nobillty. For the Skin, Complexión! Eruptlons, Chapping, Roughness. 81.00. Of lrugglsts. I.I'.H1 CO.' en.iine Syrniinf Sar. nnparilla is guaran teed as the oest SarsaparUJa n the market . Y. IX-pol 38 Jlnrry( .
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