IB. &g .A.. It -will be money in your Purse to read carefully what we say this week. Last week we told you about a big break in the PRIOE OP SATEENS. The way they went out was a caution. Every day since we announced that 25 cent SATEENS UNTIL JTJLY lst would be sold for 17 cents, there was a rush for them. It was welcome news when they dropped to 17 cents. Who ever thought to eee the handsome etyles and perfect goods 17 cents. They are here and that is the price. Few Styles in the window this week. All the New Shades in Ribbons now on sale. Plain Cashmere Shawle.Cardinal, Cream, Blue and Pink. Elegant Wraps for piazza or drawing room. Soft, fine clinging things that lend beauty to beauty, $1.50, upward. L0 pieces Crepe Lisse Ruching, New Styles, Cream and White, 25 cents to $1.00 per yard. 100 boxes Tourist Ruching, 15, 18 and 2O cents a box of six yds. Commencement Gloves and Mitts, eighteen and twenty-four button length. Cream, Tan, Pink and Blue. If you are not too particular we can please you in FANS. We show a large assortment. Out corded striped Ginghams at 12 1-2 cents are very desirable. Usual price for this quality of Gingham is 20 cents. Every one admits that we are selling (and have been during the season) the best 12 1-2 cent SATEENS IN THE WORLD. 60 pieces, New Styles on sale this week. We have some extra value in Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Examine our Skirts at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Largest assortment of Children's dresses in the city, from $1.25 to i 6.00. BACH & ABEL. OCR 35 CEBÍT tOUMS. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, or Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted biee weeks for 25 cents. fi IRLS WANTED for general work at the Lake VJT House, Whitmore Lake. Cali at Registeb office. A. Stevens. 654-6 FOR RENT- At the Charleroix Summer Resort, a furnished cottage, accommodating four. Price, 140 for the season. B. L. D'Ooge, Ann Arbor, Mich. 654 6 FOR SALE- The former residence of R. Beaham on North State-St. Price and terms reas onable Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, No. 5 N. Main St. Ann Arbor. 651 - 6 WANTED- a good Cook. Enquire at No. 36 Williams-st. Ann Arbor, 654-6 WANTED- Nicely furnished rooms near the University. Cali at 53 Division-st. 654-54 ÏOR KENT- Steinway Piano. Address Box 1469. 652-4 F)R SALE.- Four good Lots on Ann Street, in the Fourth Ward. Easy tenns. John Kahoe P. O. Barber Shop. 653 54 WANTED- to exchange my residence at Saline fora d welling or otlier property in or near Ann Arbor. Address A. M. Clark, Saline, Mich. 4 WANTED- A girl for general housework- small family. Address 1'. O. box 213, orcall at 12 Packard st. 652-4 BICYCLE FORSALE- 50 inch. Harvard Special, nickeled, good as new. S75.00. C. W. Wagmr 21 S. Mfún-st. 652-4 PHAETON- Doublé seated, easy ricling phaeton for sale at a bargain. J. C. Knowltou, 97 East Hnron-st. 652-1 rpo RENT.- House with Barn. No. 45 East X. Euron oposite Ladies Libary. Posession lst of August. Oceupied now by Miss Jackson. Address E. D. Kdjne or S. P. Jewett. 651-7 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN- House and lot No. 28 Maynardst. Location deeirable for student boarders. Icquire of E. B. Pond, 6 N Main-st 610tf FOR SALE.- A 139} acre farm on gravel road 4% miles S. of Ann Arbor. Inquire of Henry Krause, Lodi, orbox 137, Ann Arbor. 643 55 REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued froro $1.000 to 86,000 and containing frorn one-fifth of an acre to twenty acree- alt in the city limits. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A. SESSIONS, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Agent. Office over Expiess Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. "ÜOR SALE- My house, No. 27 Ann street.or will ■l exchange for smaller house, or well located vacant lot. H. M. Taber. 623tf FINE FARM FOR SALE- Two miles from Ann Arbor, consisting of 160 acres in a high tt&te of cultivation. Has been used as a dairy Ikrm for 13 years, consequently soil is very rich. Bplendidly watered by creek and sprlngs, large two story frame house, large basement barn carrlage house, large shcd with hay loft, also graln (rn; good orchard. Terms one-third cash, balance on long time to puit purchaser. Address R Watermann, Ann Arbor, Mich. 621tf LOANING- Money to loan on flret cías real estáte mortgages at current rates of interest. Satllfactory arrangemeuts made with capitalista fletiring such investment. Every conveyance and traneaction in abstracts of tlties carefully eramlned as to legal effect. Zina P. King, Ann Arbor Mich. W. B. WARNER State Street. FINE mitlUK All kinds of Fruits and Vegetables. When desired I cali at customer's houses each moming and take their orders for goods without extra charge. 650-701
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Ann Arbor Register