The City
Subecribers to the Register who wish to take advantage of the free mail delivery, should leave thelr street address at this office. The farmers are cutting wheat. Council meeting next Monday evening. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Drake, Monday, a boy. A two-cent stamp is now required on drop letters. J. R. Lawrence is having his law office cleaned and fixed up. H. T. Morton, is building a $1,200 residenoe on Jewett avenue. L. Green is building a two thousand dollar residence on N. Main-st. The Japs will ero to Whitmore Lake next week to remain a month. The Ann Arbor banks declared their usual semi annual dividend July lst. The toy pistol performed its usual amount of deadly work on the Fourth. A number of Ann Arbor people attended the ball games in Detroit Monday. From January 1, 1887, tillJuly 1, 1887, 79 persons were loded in the county jail. Geo. Scott has a contract for building a house cear South Lyon, in Oakland county. That WRtsring trough in front of the court house reminds one of the tower of Babel. The M. E. church was illuminated with electric light for the first time, Sunday evening. E. J. Johnson, who was stricken with paralysis several weeks ago is able to be out again. A new front is being put in Stimson's grocery store, which will add much to its appearanoe. An eight-pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Negley Cochran, of Toledo, Obio, last week Wednesday. During the first six months of the year 1887, 102 persons took out naturalization papers in Washtenaw county. Herman Baur, of St. Louis, is visiting his brother, Prof. E. Baur. They are fishing at Whitmore Lake today. George Scott has a íorce of workmen engaged this week in putting a new front in J. J. Goodyear's drug store. The quarterly statement of the Farmers' and Mechanica' and the Savinga bank will be found in another columm. Dr. L. F. Haten, class '87, has purchased a practice in Plymouth, Mich., and will leave for there in about two weeks. The' Ypsilanti driving club have announced August 2, 3, 4 and 5, as the dates for holdiDg their annual trotting meeting. Andrew Barley, of Toledo, Ohio, and Mary Wolcott, of Adrián, Mich., were marned the 4th, by E. K. Frueauff, J. P. The mail carriers will be at the postoffice every evening, from 6:45 until 7:30 to deliver mail to those who want to cali for it. The directora of the Star Mountain Mining Co., held a meeting Tuesday, but no business of any importance was trans - actcd. Cari. Esslinger, of Cantón, Wayne Co., and Miss Maria Reddman, of this city, were married July 3d, ty Rev. Pluddermann. Servicf s in the Unitarian church will be suspended as usual during July and August, to resume the first Sunday in September. Milo Puloipher was presented with a fine silver watch, Sunday evening, by the rnany boys whom he has taught the art of telegraphy. Patrick Ryan and Miss Hopeful Preston both of Stockbridge, were married at the Franklin House, in this city on the 4th, by Rev. Dr. Earp. Geo. Scott has drawn plans for a residence for Paul Snauble, to cost $2,500. He will build it on a lot recently purchased on Division-st. The cause of that broad tmile on Chris. Donnelly's countenance is caused by the arrival of twin girls at his house, Wednesday afternoon. E. B. Abelcovered himselfall over with glory, Wednesday, at Whitmore Lake. He caught a five-pound black bass, the largest caught in that lake this summer. D. B. Green, of Ypsilanti state agent of juvenile offenders for Washtenaw county, was in the city this morning, looking after a couple of juvenile crimináis. A popular craze arnong a quartette of young ladies in the First ward is to take a midnight shower bath on the lawn in the rear ot the house where they meet. It is said to be very refreshing. The manager of the opera house has already booked some of the very best attractions for next season. The BooiheBarrett combination is booked to appear in the latter part of September. It is tne same oíd story. Simon Hirth, living near Scio, was cleaning his revolver Monday, and didn't know it was loaded. Now Simon has a hole in his right leg between the hip and knee joints. John Webber, a rag peddler, living in the Sixth ward. became tired, Tuesday, of the trials and tribulations incidental to the journey through lite, and took a dose of paris green for the purpose of suddecly landing himself into the next world. He was discovered immediately and medical aid summoned. The potato bug poison was pumped out of him, and now John will live and die in the regular orthodox way. Miss Flora, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Stark, of the Third ward, died Monday morning July 4, aged eight years, of tonsillitis. The funeral occurred the same afternoon. Ann Arbor encampment No.'T, I. O. 0. F., elected the followingofficers at a meeting last Friday evening : L. Curtís, C. P.; H. C. Clark, S. W.; J. Sprague, H. P., Conrad Krapf, S.; C. Schlinker, treasurer. Free delivery has been in operation only a week, in this city, and those who are inclined to find fault with it, should give the department a reasonable length of time to get everything properly regulated. Washlenaw Lodge No. 9, I. O. O. F. installed the following officers last Friday night, for the ensuine term : J. Sprague, N. Q.; C. H. Jones, V. G.; James Barker, R. S.; C. KrafT, P. S.; M. Stabler, Treas. J. R. Bach severed his connection with Bach & Abel, Saturday evening, and Monday morning began the insurance business. Jim has the qualification9 for a first-class insurance agent, and we all wish him suocess. The statement of the Farmer's and ilechanics' bank, published in another column, shows a very decided gain in amount of business done during the last quarter. Their deposits July 1, 1887 had reached over $200,000. A few friends assembled at the home of Mrs. Henry DePue, of Pittsfield, where musió, refreshments and a liberal display of flags and tire-works contributed to make the nation'sholiday of 1887 one to be pleasanily remembered. Residents on the line of march of the wheelmen tomorrow are requested to decórate their places in some manner and to sprinkle the street some time before the procession passes. The line of march will be found in another column. A regular transformation scène is taking place in the law office of Sawyer & Knowlton. Painters, paper hangers, calciminers, etc, have taken possession and when they get through the above law firm will have one of the finest law offices in the state. The total amount oí money paid into the county treasury, for the first six months of 1887, was $82,405.85. The treasurer has drawn orders for the same period, to ihe amount of $89,103.35, leaving a deficiency of $6,699.67. Otseningo lodge, No. 295, I. O. O. R, installed the following newly elected officers Tuesday eyening: George Kalambaoh, N. G.; W. E. Walker, V. G.; ÍV. Jacobus, R. S.; C. H. Manly, T.; Eli Manly, P. S.; C. Schlenker, I. G.; S. Hoore, O. G. An interesting game ot base ball waj played on the campus yesterday afternoon, between picked nines from the east and west side of Main-st. At the end of the fifth inning the game was called, the score standing 19 to 18 in favor of the west side. R. D. Waters, of Monroe, has purchased the lumber business of the Ann Arbor lumber company . Mr. Waters has had several years' experience at the business and we have no doubt but that he will succeed. The firm's name wül be R. D. Waters & Co. Co. A was inspected last Friday by Inspector General Newbury, of Coldwater. The company did exceedingly well in all their movements. The Inspector congiatulated the boys on their excellent appearance and for their precisión in executïng the different evolutions. Charles Wilson, aged 19, and a wanderer upon the face of the earth, was sentenced to iour years' hard labor in the Ionia house of correction, Saturday, by Judge Joslyn. He is the fellow who stole the shoes out of the 11. C. freight depot on the evening of the 19th of June. A party of Normal school girls went to Whitmore Lake to spend the Fourth. They hired a eail boat but didn't understand managing it. and when near the centre of the lake their boat capsized. With bravery, characteristic of the 6chool girl, they clung to the boat until rescued by their friende. The Cyclorama of the battle ot Atlanta is well worth going to see when in Detroit. To those who never seen a battle it vividly portrays the horrors of the battle field, and to the old soldier it awakens a fresh interest in the days he spent in defending his country 's flag. JNo one should fail to visit it when in Detroit. H. G. Prettyman and Miss Jennie HcNames were married Thursday evening, June 30, at the resideoce of the bride's mother, No. 27 University avenue, by Rev. G. Wiltsie, of Wauseon, Ohio. Only a few relatives and immediate friends were present. The young couple lefc the same evening for an extended trip to New York. Miss Annie E. McDonald and Dr. E. B. Gibson, class of'87, were married, Monday, at the residence oí the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. McDonald, in the sixth ward by Rev. Dr. Ramsay. The wedding was a quiet one, only the family being present. Dr. and Mrs. Gibson left Tuesday for Toronto, Canada, their future home. The old veteran war horse, " Mission Ridge" died last Thursday, aged 33 years. He wasfoaled near Richmond, Va., and at the breaking out of the war became the property of the 20th Mich. Infantry, passing all through the wai at the close of which he feil into the possession of P. Donavan, of this city, where he has ever 8ince been kept. The dates of the annual encampment ot the Southwestern G. A. R. assooiation, to be held in Adrián, have been changed and the reunión will be held one week later than originally arranged, August 30 and 31, and September 1 and 2 having now been decided upon. This step was necessary in order to secure the tents belonging to the state militia. At a meeting of the Ann Arbor Turnverein, Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : President, GeorgeKuebler; vice president, Christ. Braun ; ree. sec'y, Fred Graff ; corresponding sec'y, Wm. Arnold; treasurer, John Harper ; collector, Albert Sorg ; standard bearer, John Fischer. The T. A. A. & N. M. R. R., will run an excursión train f rom Owossoto Toledo, Sunday July 17. The train will pass through Ann Arbor at 8:55 a. m. Fare for the round trip, including a boat ride to Presque Isle, $1. The Ann Arbor Shutzenbund will hold a grand shootingtournament at their park, in this city, the first week in August. Prizes to the amount of $1,000 will be offered. They expect a large attendance from Michigan acid adj uiningstates. The bricklayers and masons held a successful picnic at Relief park, Saturday. At ten o'clock, a. m., they formed a processinn in front ol their hall on Ann-st., and with the city band at the head, marched to the park, where they enjoyed the day in visiting, dancing, playing innumerable games, etc. They cleared about $36. Alfred Baker, a carpenter, living in the Fourth ward, imbibed too freely in "corn juice" Monday and when he got home in the evening he tried to sober up by whipping his wife. Tuesday morning she went before Justice Pond and swore out a warrant against him for assault and battery. His trial willoccur nextTuesday morning. When asked how he spent the glorieus Fourth, Hon. John J. Robison, attorney and counsellor at law replied: "My boy, I have made it a practice for nigh on to fifty years, to read the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July, and sir, that is what I did Monday," and then the ex-mayor turned around and made deputy county clerk Brown the butt end of a good j :ke. Dr. and Mrs. Cary, nee Kitty Lindley, leave next Monday, for their new home in Indianapolis, Ind., where the doctor will enter upon the practice of his profession. Inasmuch as they will make the journey by horse and buggy, traveling only in the cool of the mormng and evening, it will doubtle.ig provea verypleasant one. They have the well wishes ot The Reoistïr. Rev. Mr. McCorkle, of Ypsilanti, delegated by the Detroit Presbytery, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church in this city yesterday, and gave the official announcement of the resignation of Rev. Dr. Steele, which now leaves the church without a pastor. No preaching services will be held in the church for the next four weeks. The Sunday school and prayer meetings will be held as uual. Four Dexter youog Iadies rowed up the river the other day. When they a pleasant nook they anchored their boa and were about to enjoy themselves on the banks cf the river; but in attempting to fasten the boat to the limb o a tree one of the young ladies slipped anc feil into the water. She went down the second time. but was rescued by her lady comrades before going down the third time. At a meeting of the brick-layers' and masons' unión, No. 7, Tuesday evening, the following newly elected officers were installed : President, B. O'Mara ; vice president, John Mulkey ; treasurer, Wm. Herrmann ; financial secretary, Wm. Denman ; recording secretary, Q-. H. Pattee; correspondiag secretary, H. Jenkins ; sergeant, Matt. Long ; deputy altérnate, A. Kawalski; trustees, Henry Gage, Paul Tessmer and August Tessme.r. Ann Arbor was a quiet day on tbe 4th. Work was suspended in all shops and factories and most of the stores closed up. In many different ways the glorious day was celebrated by the patriotic people of Ann Arbor. Some of them picnieed at some one of the many beautiful lakes so near Ann Arbor, while others celebrated in neighboring towns. Some went to Detroit, but iar more swung in thehammockunder a tree in their own door yard. Postmaster Duffy desires us to cali the attention of the public to the following regulations concerning free delivery : On local or "drop" letters the rate of postage is two cents for each ounoe or fraction thereof. All regular publications must be directed to street and number. On Suadays and legal holidays mail will be delivered by carriers at the carrier's window To avoid delay in delivery and render the services more efficiënt it is greatly to be desired that a suitable receptac'.e for mail be provided at every house or place of business. Many vnll deeply regret to learn of the death of Mr. L. A. Barnes, one of the most pro minent citizens of Ypsilanti, and well known in this city. His death oocurred from blood poisoning, the first cause of which was an ulcerated tooth, followed by the decaying of the jaw bone, a portion of which had to be removed. Mr. Barnes was C2 years of age; has been a very successful business man, being at the time of his death president and seoretary of the Peninsular Paper Company, and vice president of the First National Bark of Ypsilanti. The committee of supervisors who had charge of letting a contract for putting steam fixtures in the poor house, have awarded the contract to the Detroit Metal and Heating works, tor $3,175. There were three other bids, Schuh & Muehlig, $3,341.50; Hutzel & Oo., $3 - 425, and Shaw & Kendall of Toledo, $3,250. The firm who got the contract are to put in two boilers, do all the plumbing, put in the steam heating and ventilating fixtures. The work is to be completed by September 15, 1887. Ex-pension agent Post: "I don't see why some of Ann Arbor's and Ypsilanti's enterprising capitalists don't form a stock company and build an electric railway between the two cities. I honestly believe it would be a paying investment. After you get your road built there is but little expense in operating it. And then, too, the farmers on the line of it could afford to do the handsome thing if such an enterpr se should be undertaken, for it wouldn't be long until business men in both cities would be going out aways to buy eight or ten acres of land, build a house thereon and live there. Yes, sir, it would be a good thing for both cities and a paying investment for those who undertook it." And then the ex-agent branched on to informing his hearers of the curativo properties of the "Queen Anne" soap and soon he was left with an audience of one, and that one was ex-pension agent Post. The Rev. S. H. Adams, of this city delivered an address at the commencement exercises at the Marshall High school, and receives the following high compliment from the Marshall daily Chronicle : " The logical address, ' Genesis and Modern Science,' bv the Rev. S. H. Adams, of Ann Arbor, showed that the orator was a man of deep thought and much learning. Seldom, f ever, has a Marshall audience seemed to have been more thoroughly impressed by an address and a great many have expressed a desire to hear the scholarly gentleman again." Michigan headquarters at the National Bducation association, which meels at Chicago July 12 to 16, will be at the Palmer House. It is suggested that a reunión of all teachers in attendance at the association, who are now teaching or who have ever taught in Michigan, be held at the Palmer House some time during the meetings of the association. Prof. William E. Sheldon, Boston, Mass., President, writes : " As Michigan is one of the five grand states carved out of the Northwest territory, consecrated to freedom and education by the ordinance of 1787, the one hundredth anniversary of which we celébrate Wednesday evening, July 13, at Chicago, I am specially desirous that your state should be well represen ted by educators and also by your historical societies." The railroads will sell teachers and all school officers "round trip tickets" from all principal stations to Chicago and return for one fare, plus $2 to pay for a membership coupon. Tickets good going from 5 to 15, returning to September 10, inclusive. Fred W. Stevens, who graduated in the literary department of the University last year, would very gladly have returned and taken a second degree or a course ot studies iu natural science of which he was enthusiastically fond. He had a great desire to go to the Phillipine Islanda with Prof. Steere, and at one time fully expected that he would be able to do so ; and knowing what we do of his natural ability and success in the study of the animal kingdom, and the genius he has displayed from an early age in taxidermy, and in other lines of work that would fit him for the particular duties that would be required in the enterprise which Dr. Steere undertalces, we believe Mr. Stevens would prove a valuable member of the expedition. But instead of this field for fame opening to him he went home and found his father in poor health, and a country newspaper on his hands that had lately come into his possession m the course of trade. The father retired to his farm and left Fred, inexperienced as he was, to manage the paper. He buned his cherished hopes for the while and bravely took up the duty so different from what he expected and wished it would be. In this, as in everything he undertakes.young Stevens has been very suocessfu!, and the Ehton Rapids Journal under his management is one of the most interesting, versatile and attractive papers in the state. In a üttle but wide-awake city of two thousand people he has gained aciroulation of about 1500, and has a large pa'ronage frorn the business men. Last week during the days of the H. E. camp-meeting he issued a bright little daily and in other ways he is showitig the stuff that is in him. There may not be a chance for world-wide f ame in the field Stevens now occupies, but he is talking to a large audience each week, and may possibly do more real good to his fellowmen while he remains there, than in all the years of the future that he may giye to study and research in the lines of science to which he aspires.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register