A pair of the best working Pants (warranted not to rip) for One Dollar at Wm. W. Douglaa & Co's. C47 For Sale. - A lot of furniture and house hold goode, cheap for cash, at 23 Thompson-st. J. K. Kiml-ra. Schuh & Muehlig have ordered ten of the Rxhmond Triumph Furnaces. This is the largest order ever given in Ann Arbor. Five of these furnaces were sold by S. & M. in one day. The Triumph Furnace is of the very best make and a child 8 years oíd can run it. lw Moncy to IiOan Dn first clasa and first mortgage Real Estáte. Apply to S. H. Douglass. S. H. Douglass, I. W. Hunt, Trustees. Ann Arbor, Dec. 1886. G2Gtf. You can buy a handsome suit for your bov for three dollars at Wm. W. Douglas & Co's. 647 Try one of those fifty cent white Shirts at Wm. W. Douglas & Co's. 647 ÏÏOTICE. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, to accommodate the public, will keep the bank open every Saturdav from 7 to 8 p. m., to receive savings deposits. Helio! Helio! Helio! 35! The enterprising Druggist, Mr. H. J. ïrown has taken the agency of Baxter's Lucky Star Cigar. Hereafter ihe lovers of a good smoke can be accommodated with a cigar for five cents that will prove, upon trial, superior to the ten cent cigars sold. The Lucky Star is pure Havana filler and guaranteed unflavcred. H. J. BROWN, Sole Ag't. ■ Ask for the Lucky Star, Only five cents Families using Oat Meal should have üchumacher's and no other. I receive it direct from the mili. J. W. Maynard. C51-53 Itch of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never fails. Sold by H. J Jrown, druggist, Ann Arbor, Mich ; Synek & Co., Manchester, Mich. 674 I mi. r some Extra bargains in Pianos and Organs to close out a certain line of goods. tf Alvin Wilsey. A. L. Nobla has recently opened another case of those Popular Crush Hats n the various shades Doe. Siman''leasant Barber Shop, directly opposite .he south door of the court house, is the est place in the city for anything in hm ine. Try it. 645tf New York society women don't hesiate to boast of the money they win at lorse races.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register