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An Out And Out Giving Aw OF FINE . . EGYPTIAN AND OfeltjIJjIL LjMt D. F. Schairer'i A Sale Every Lady Shonld Altend, r, h li t-li great e vent we have made extraordlnary prepara! ion. OVER 100 PIECEi Cream, White and Beige, Oriental and Egyptian, Laces and Flouncings Purohased the past week at 50 on the dollar, will be placed on sale at one-half price. IJ yards wide Oriental and Egyptia Lace Skirtings at 50c, 75c and $UH wotth three times the price. Flouncings, Cascadings, Edgings an All overs, 42-inch wide, Dress Nets an Skirtings, in Spanish.Guipure.Chantift, Escurial, Normandy and Fedora at'ót $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Cream and Beige Egyptian Lai Edges at 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c, wortl three times what we ask for theni. Sima a big give away of fine Laces. Compás our prices with those of other houses: great will be the difference. This % tire offering of fine Laces is composei exclusively of every handsome, ne and desirable pattern; all are weli made, have heavy edges and are all worked on very fine nets. Yoa cao. buy all you want, whether it be 10 yards or a fraction of one yard. If you want Lace Curtains you will do yourself an injustice if you do nol look at our stock, as we carry a larga stock, show a greater variety of sty.s and sell Lace Curtains at lower pricethan any other house in the business. Great Bargain Sale in Ladies', Men'i and Children's Summer Underwear. Ladies' Vests, Silk Bound, long 1 short sleeves at 25c. Ladies' Balbriggan Vests, high and low neck, long or short sleeves at 40 and 50c. Men's Gauze Shirts at 25c, 35c ani 50c. Children's Summer Shirts at 15c, 23 and 35c. Special Sale OF Wash Iress W ! 5 Cases open To-daij. Crinkled Cream and Fancy Striped Seersuckers at 8c, 10c, 12Jc. Fine Dress Ginghams at 8c and 10c. Checked and Plaid Nainsooks at 8c 10c and 12}c. 2 Cases fine.Dress Lawns at 5c. 1 Case Choice Styles Alsatian Sateens at 12 Je. Nuns Veilings, Albatross, Summer Cashmeres and Beiges in all the ne tints. Positively the best values offeret this season. Ladies don't forget that we are doing the Parasol business of the city. Our sales are three times larger than an) other season, and we shall continue to make this the leading one of our establishment this summer In a few days we shall place on sale a lot more of those $1.00 Satin Coach ings, and 24 and 26-inch Silk, Silver tip handle Umbrellas at $2.00, and $2.00 20-inch Lace trimmed Parasols. J8 Shrewd buyers follow up our an nouncements. D. F. SCHIARER


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