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f A and reliable Medicinen are the best VJVW to depend upon. Acker's Blood EIixir has been prescribed f or y ears f or all impurities of the Blood . In every f orm of Scrofulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, itÍ3 invaluable. For Rheumatism, has no equaL Joh Moore, Druggist. She said she married her husband becaise she had a great desire to travel. But her husband suddecly ohanged his mind regarding a European tour, and all the traveling she has done has been between tie grocery and the inarket and the back kitchen door. gj Greatest Blood Purifierfë KNOWN. # I I This Great Germán Medicine Is the#, III ;heapcstandbest. 128do8esof SUL-W II I PHCKBITTEliSfor$1.00,lessthan# L I UI one cent a (lose. It vi 11 cure the L Q worst cases of skin dlsease, tromM ' tn a common pimple on the taceM f m3 IHto that awful disease Scrofula.# SJ IHSULPHUB BITTERS is the# III best medicine to use in all# " Hl cases of such Btubborn andyonr jji,} 111 Hldeep seated diseases. DoneySareoutl I UI not ever take #of order. Use III □ BLUE PILLS üLPHüBQ lormercury,theyaredead#„,J;„1„ ,C "fl 111 ly. Place jour trust ln#y"are?icfk'?,0 I II ÉÍULPHUB BrrTERS,Afmlitt?I?'ha ails II the purest and best?0"'"86 W medicine ever nade, ƒ J,,]., Bt'erg Ij til with ayellowstickyDon't walt mti yoti ö In substance? Isyourare unable to walk, or ITI llbreatn foul and #are flat On your back, III Illonensive? Your#but get some at once, It III llstomnch Is out#will cure you. Sulphur Imof order. TJseiBitters is H SÜBiTTERsThe Invalid's Priend. H 5lmmediately#rheyoutig,theagedandtot-L3 Is your Ur-tering are Boon made well by III ■ ine thick,#Hs use. Remember what you II ropy. clo-read here, it may save your 1 1 ludy, orW{e, it has saved iiundmls. I I &■ M'Don't wait until to-morron-, 3 f Try a Bottle To-day! E3 S" m Are you low-spirited and weak,j 5or Biiflerlng from the excesses of III II a#youthy If so, SULPHUB BITTJillsl II 'Wwiil cure you. Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., for best medical work publisned? WEBSTERS UNABBIDGED Vlth or without Fatent Index. Tour A ttention Is invited to the fact that in purciijuing tUe Utest issue of this work, you get -. A Dictionary containing3000 more words and nearly 2000 mor lllustrations thananyother American Dictionary. A Gazetteer of the World conUining over 25,000 Titlea, with their pronuncition ana ft vut amount of other information, ( recently added,) and A Biographical Dictionary giring pronunciation of namea and brief facts concern ing nearly 10,000 Noted Persons; alao variüus tablea giving vuluable information. All in One Book. Webster's Unabridged Dietionary is reeommfnded by the State Superintendents of Schools in 36 States, and by leading College Presidenta of the United States and Canada. It is Standard Authority with the United States Supreme Court, and in the Government Printine Office. It has been selected in every case where State Purohases have been made for Schools, and is the Dictionary upon whicb nearly all the school books are b&sed. Get the Latest and Best. It is an invaluable companion in every School, nd at every Fireside. Specimen pages and testimoniáis sant prepaid on application. published by G. A C. MERRIAM i CO., Springfleld, Mass., U. 5. A. THE WHITE IS KING The White Sewing Machine Was awarded the only First Premium and Diploma glven any Sewing Machine at Michigan State Fair, Jackson, '86. and took more Premiums In '85 than any other Sew. ing Machine in the World, Simple, 8lent, Sure, Perfect, Powerful, Popular. The Best Machine, The Best AVoodWork, The Greatest Range of Work. Tb6"rae" Macliine emïoilies mure MECHNICAL IMPROVEMENTS Thn any other Sewiug Machine in the World The Automatic Bobblu Winder, Vibrator and Stltch Regulator, in fact every Improveinent knowu. We U'iirrHiK 1:htj Hwliliii' fiir.l yt-ar Because we kaow It wlil last. Try it, and yon wlll be pleased. Buy it, and you will be satiefled. White Sewinö Machine Co. I.. ! ooi.r, Mnnaicer. y Office, Huron-st, one door weet of Saving's Hank, Aiin Arbor, Mich. 622-67 If ew Advertisements dSte. Itsoonbringslntohealthyplay RIïKfnfe. Thetorpidíícírtlayby day yj)gBSSQJv Aud Ki'julates tlia System jL=L9BMMMMaLSi&vFrom crowu of head to sole Hfl3JJEflS5'tt cures the Piles, it opens 3ïteHiÉSKï'' Los aPP'etIt0 't sooa re' SmË3j&&' Wtso families throughout Keep TARRANTS' SELTZERnearat hand.


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