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IB. & JOur Summer Silks begin to go slowly. There's only one sure way to liven them. Make the Prices bo Low that you'll snap them on sight. That's what we have done. No half-way work. A Silk sensation. They might eell in the next few -weeks and they might not. We want no unoertainty. The time to hustle them out is when you are asked for them. Barly fall arrivals will soon be pushing and crowding to get in; The Summer Stuff muit ge. You'll flnd s few Btyles in the window this week. Have been 81.00 and $1.25. This week 56 cents. Women's White Embroidered Muslin dresses very cheap, to close them out. No refuse or rubbish ! Freeh, perfect and handsome. Have been $4.50 to $12. They're now $3 to $8. SEERSUCKERS. There are dozens of styles in which beauty seems to have been the last thing thought of. Tou'll think bo when you see them in the plece ; but whoever saw an ugly Seersucker when made up? The 9 cent Crinkles have been 12 J and this week the iSA were 15 cents last week. Plenty of Orearas at 5 cents. Plenty more at 6 cents. Battling good quality ; either of them, for much more than the price. CORDED GINGHAMS. Among the newest, nattiest, neatest of the Cotton novelties. You'll likely think they're from Paris. The idea is ; there's Frenen faney in every pretty thread, but the word is Yankee. Prioe 12è cents from 20. PEROALE. The tough, yard wide "shirting" so many ladies are buying. Forty to fifty styles. 12 cents from 16. There is pushing and crowding every day about the 17 oent Sateen counter. They're worth an effort toget. Lightordarkcolors. Every one has been 25 cents. Do you suppose we would sell such heaps and heaps of Muslin and Cambric Underwear if you oould make it at home for anything like the money ? Ton Can' t. PARASOL ITEMS. All of our $4.00 Satin and Lace trimmed Parasols now $3.00. Our $2 50 and $3.00 Satin and Lace trimmed Parasols now $2.00. If the worth of these goods were fully known we wouldn't have one left by Saturday night. BACH & ABEL. OUR 25 CEJÍT COL.CMJÍ. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Saie, or Wanta, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted tree weeks for 35 cents. WANTED- A young girl to help with house work. 32 E. Aun-st. 655-57 " IRLS WANTED for general work at the Lake JT House, Whitmore Lake. Cali at Recistee office. A. Stevens. 654-6 FOR SALE- The former residence of R. Beaham on North State-St. Priee and terms reasonable Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, No. 5 N.Main St. Ann Arbor. 651-6 WANTED- a good Cook. Enquire at No. 36 WUliams-st. Ann Arbor, 654-6 rpo RENT.- House with Barn. No. 45 East JL Hurón oposite Ladies Libary. Posession lst of August. Oecupied now by Miss Jackson. Address E. D. Kinne or 8. P. Jewett. 651-7 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN- House and lot, No. 28 liaynard-st. Location desirable for student boarders. Inquire of E. B. Pond, 6 N. Main-gt 610tf FOR 8ALE.- A 129% acre farm on gravel road, 4V6 miles S. of Ann Arbor. Inquire of Henry Krause, Lodi, or box 137, Ann Arbor. 643 55 REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from $1.000 to Ï6,000 and containlng from one-fifth of an acre to twenty acres- all in the city limits. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged for city property. Enquire of J. Q. A. SESSIONS, 632tf Attomey and Real Estáte Asent Office over Exptess Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE- My house, No. 27 Ann street, or will exchange for smaller house, or well located vacant lot. H. M. Taber. 623tf FINE FARM FOR SALE- Two miles from Ann Arbor, consisting of 160 acres in a high rtateof cultivation. Has been nsed as a dairy farm for 13 years, consequently soil Is very rich. Bplendidly watered by creek and springs, large two story frame house, large basement bam, carriage house, large shed with hay loft, also grain barn ; good orchard. Terms one-third cash, balance on long time to sult purchaser. Address, R. Watennann, Ann Arbor, Mich. 624tf T OANIKQ - to loan on flret clara real J eetate mortgages at current rates of interest Batlsfactory arrangement made with caplt&lists deiirlng such investment. Every conveyance and transaction in abstracts of titles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Zlna P. King, Ann Arbor Mich. W. B. WARNER State Street. UI! EROCEEIES All kinds of Fruits and Vegetables. When desired I cali at customer's houses each morning and take their orders for goods withou extra charge. 650-701


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