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Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

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The annual meeting of the Business Men's association was held in the council chamber laat Friday evening, with President H. S. Dean in the chair. More en:husiasm was exhibited than at any previous meeting and every one present I seemed to be imbued with the one idea- that to make Ann Arbor grow, inducements must be offered to manufacturera to lócate here. If the citizens will take the same interest in the growth and prosperity of the city as those present at the meeting did, a new epoch will soon be chronicled in the history of Ann Arbor. But a few men cannot do it. Bverybody must put their shoulder to the wheel and give it a push. Id calling the meeiing to order, president Dean stated the objects of the meeting and complimented the association for their zeal and energy, saying the outlook for increasing the nianufaeturing enterprises was very flattering, and that constant woik on the part cf the members of the association and the citizens generally, would soon result in large returns for their labor. Secretary Allmendinger then read the minutes of the last meeting whieb were approved as read. Among those present we noticed the Messrs. Dean, G. F. Allmendinger, Eli Moore, Drs. Kapp and Breakey, Mayor Smith Capt. Schub, J. S. Henderson, J. Q. A. Sessions, C. Mack, W. W. Douglas, G. Schneider, T. F. Hutzel. F. Schmid, E. K. Frueauff, T. J. Keech, A. L. Noble, C. E. Hiscock, H. J. Brown, E. B. Abel. G. Bliss, W. W. Whedon ar.d many others. CAPSULE FACTORY. H. J. Browa, chairman of the committee on capsule factory, reported they had not yet raised the required amount of stock to erect a building, and that one hundred and flfty shares were needed, of which only one hundred and sixteen had been taken. The committee were given further time to complete their labors. Eli Moore offered to dónate land in the rear of the agricultural works, in the Fifth ward, on which to lócate the building, for a period of five years, at a consideration of $1 per year. This generous offer was referred to the committee. ELKCTION OF OFFICERS. The election of officers resulted in the selection of the following gentlemen : President Spi'JÍSt Vice President TiJiIeec5Correspondirig Secretary C.E. Hiscock. Recorfing Secretary Eugene K. Frueauff. Treasurer " BrowI1 Directors ..F.Schmid and M. Seabolt. ANN ARBOB ILLU8TRATEP. Aid. Allmendinger, of the committee on printing the " booming pamphlet," reported that the book was now ready for distribution at four cents per copy, and wanted the citizens to take them at once, as the printer wanted his pay. But notwithstanding this earnest appeal, those present were backward about takins; them. Capt. Schuh thought that a committee ought to be appointed to see that they were circulated w'here they would do the most good. treasurrr's report. Treasurer Mack submitted his annual report which showed $83 60 in the treasury. The following gentlemen have paid their membership fees: H. T. Morton, T. T. Keech, C. H. St. Clair, G. Schneider, Patríele O'Hearn, H. J. Brown, A. Peterson. A. W. Hamilton, N_J. kyer. Mr. Phillipp, O. Gretton, K. Kittredge, W. S. Hieles, A. L. Noble, H. S. Dean, Fred. Schairer, C. Mack, F. Schmid, E. K. Frueauff, T. G. Allmendinger, C. E. Hiscock, Wm. Arnold, Moses Seabolt, David Rinsey, S. Dean, A. I), Seyler, E. Eberach, Hutzel Co., L. Gruner, Edward Duffy, J. A. Pelhemus, John Finnegan, 11. M. Seabolt, J. W. Robison John Goetz, Sr., John Goetz, Jr., Brush & Co., O. M. Martin Mann Bros., Wm. W. Douglass, Geo. HalIer, BHtz & Langsdorf, J. M. Stafford, Wm. Wag. ner, Dr Kapp, W. B. Smith, Dr. Breakey. P. Sukey. CAN T BOOM ON WIND. C. E. Hiscock : Mr. President, we have now closed our first year's work, and have, in a measure, reason to be proud of our efforts. While we have not made much showing, yet we have got into working order and understand how to work. We have done all we could with the means we have had. But you can't boom a town successfully on wind. Wind is all right as (at as it goes, but it don't talk. In order to do any good we have got to have money. I am willing to dónate my share, but I don't think it is right to ask it of individuáis. What the city ought to do is to raise $50,000 by taxation to offer manufacturera to lócate here, and to give to every oompany that would locatenere a sum according to the number of men they would employ. During the last ten years Battle Creek has given away $150,000 in this vay, and been repaid four fold. Other towns around us are doing the same thing. A few of us should not be compelled to dónate everything. I am in favor of raising one per cent. of the city's assessed valuation, whicn would give us $50,000, and if rightly expended it would give us a population in five years of twenty thousand people. Gr. Bliss stated that a town in Kansas was doing just what Mr. Hiscock advocated, and as a result was filling their town with manufacturing establishments. The corresponding secretary was instructed to communicate with the flrm on what condi'.ions they would lócate here. A GENEROUS OFFBB. The following letter was read which expiaras itself : Ann Arbor, July 22, 1S87. Gentlemen - Having noticed what this week's papers have to say about a manufacturing establishment in searen of grounds on which to lócate their plant in thts city, I will say that to encourage such ènterpriae, I will dónate to such tion ten 4xS rodlots on south side of Wel'.s-st., bezinning at the interseetion of Baldwin avenue, ProvMetl said association will forthwith establish their manufactory ononeof them and build nine comfortable dweilings on the other lots during theensuing year. Said houses to cost one thousand dollars each or more. If money ehall be needed in the erection of said houses I will advance on mortgaee $500 each at simple interest. Respectfully, ISRAEL HALL. To the Business Men's Association, Ann Arbor, Mich. On motion of E. K. Frueauff, the thanks of the association were given Mr. Hall. On motion of Dr. Breakey, the availab'.e cash in the treasurer's hands was applied on printing the pamphlet. Also that Messrs. AHraendinger and Hamilton be authorized to visit the citizeos to dispose of the pamphlets. C. E. Hi8cock offered the following resolution, which was unanimously carried : Resolved, That this Assoeiation request the common councll of this city to submit to the votera a proposición to raise $000 to advertise the city and induce manufacturers to lócate hcre. H. J. Brown moved that the thanks of the association be given Dr. Breakey for bis untiring energy in procuring cuts of prominent buildings for the pamphlet, which was unanimously carried. Messrs. Allmendinger and Hamilton were afterwards included. The meeting then adjourned until Tuesday evening, August 2d.


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