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1 'lic I iiricncr of Mis. Peters. Mrs. Petera had ills, Mrs. Peters had chills, Mrs. Petera was sure she was going to die; TheydoBed her with pi'ls, With powders and squills, With remediiswet, nd with remedies dry. Many medicines lured her, But none of them cured her, Their ñames and their nnmber nobody could tell; And she soon might have died, But some "Pellets" were tried, That acted like magic, and then she got well. The magie 'Pellets " were Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgativo Pel'ets (the original Little Liver Pilis). They cured Mr?. Peters, and now she wouldn't ba without them. "There is a use tor cats," says the Toronto Globe, "and a necessity for dogs; circumstances justify babies and throw a halo of extenuation about the milkaian and the fishmonger, the 'scissor grinder' and the meader of oíd uínbrellas; but he that keepeth a peaeock or a shrieking parrot within city limits is utterly without excuse." Don't Ilank. Splt. Cough, suffer dizziness, indigestión, inflammation of the eyes, headache, lassitude, inability to perform mental work and indisposiíion for bodily labor, and annoy and disgust your frieuds and acquaintaaces with your nasal twang and offensive breath ánd constant efforts to clean your nose and throat, when Dr. Sage's "Catarrh Remedy" will promptly relieve you oí discomfort and suffering, and your friends of the disgusting and needíess inflictions of your loathesome disease. The editor of the London Post wears lilac kid gloves throug-, every dinner to which he is inv;td. He a rather tony, but for genuine three ply, eighteen carat style the English people are referred to the Dakota editor, who wears a six-shooter, & bowie knife and no necktie through every dinner to whicb he is invited - as well as to some to whioh he is no; invited. - Norristown Herald. MALIS 9100 Reward. 100. The readers of The Register will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that soience has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall'g Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known ia the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease require8 a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure ij taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system, thereby distroying the foundation of the disease and givmg the patiënt strength, by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The Proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars, for any case it faila to cure, Send for list of testimoniáis. Addrese, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. SP'SoId by Druggist, 75 Cts. C4TAKKH CURE. A worn car wheel thread, examined under the microscope, shows that the surface of the metal comes off in thin flakes or scales.


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Ann Arbor Register