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TO THE LADIES ! If you are affltcted with rheumatism, neural;ia, nervous exhau-stion, dyspepsia. or with disases of the liver, kidneys, headacheor cold feet, wollen or week aukles, or swollen feet, an Abominal Belt and a pair of Magnetic Foot Bateries have no superior in the relelf and eure of U these complaints. They carry a powerful maguetic force to the seat of the desease. For lame back, weakncss of the spine, falling f the womb, leuoorrhoea. chronic inflammation nd ulceratlon of the womb, incidental hemorhage of fiooding, painful, suppressed and irreglar menstruation.barrenness, and change of life, lis is the Best Appliance and Curative Agent tnown. Price of Supporter with Jlagnetle Foot Batteries, 810. Sent by expresa C. O. D., and exmination allowed, or ny mail on receipt of rice, and if not found satisfactory even after ix months trial they can be retumed and mony refunded. In ordering, send measure of walst nd size of shoe. They are worn over the underclothing. They ïold their pmvtr forever. Send for the ' New Department in Medical 'reatment Without Medicine," with thousands f testimoniáis. Send for circulare. Write us full particulars as regards your difficulties - orders direct THE IIAÜ.M-.IK Al'l'I.IAMK CO., 134 Dearborn 8t.. Chicago, 111. A great truth: Lager beer is a better Irink than whisky on a hot day. Another jreat truth : Ice water is a better drink han lager beer on that same day. - N. Y. Sun. CLfvVvO the CLildren. They are esS5WVrL' pecially liable to sudden 3olds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. We guarantee Acker's English ïemedy a positive cure. . It saves ïours of anxious watching. Sold by John Moore, Druggist. "JoDep, do you know Rienzi's address ?" asked Smith. "No, I don't," was the reply, "but you might find it in the directory." - Pittsaurgh Chronicle. HALE'S HOHEY s the best Cough Cure, 25. 50c., $L CLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and beautifies, 25c. GERMÁN CORH REMOVER kills Corns & Bunions, 25c HILL'S HA1R & WHISKER DYE-Black & Brown, 50c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 25c. DEAN'S RHEOMATIC PILLS are a sure cure, 50c They tried a veteran the other day, who applied for a pension for the war of 1812, by making him load a musket. He rammed the ball down wrong end to and put the powder on top ot it. - Burlington Free Press. IliSV EVER MADE. II X AWltwiU drive the Humorfromyourl I I iJBVBtem, and roake your ekinlH II 4) ?5vclean and smooth. Thosel I II vVLpiimle8 and BIotcheg H b. Qy, s. 4Lwuich mar your beauty Q V i iVare caused by impureg Bi ►.■?? e-6 'íeL.blood, and can be in IB", MCremovectlnashortl II ?5 % %, y„V iLtime, il you arel I niBman-onlyateas;., 0, p II best and cheapeatWJ e J .Vl Imediciue. Try it, faVV'' % % I lyouwillbeBatisfled. tS "iJ'U " Get it of your Druggist. "q Cv _. □ don'tWait. Getitatonce". f gj It yon are Buffering from Kid I ney èiseaae, and w1 '"rÍfr. II oíd age, use SULFHUR BITTEKS.- I III Xhey never fail to cure. II liew Advertisements -g AU people of Dyspeptlo ÁKSJSiVfXí Should learn to lengthen IfSlÊr' 1 'MIlKv out thelr daya. M -Ij S. When Indigeitton makis 'ï"33lfl luD r Constlpation, worse SSS&MBf than all, vK5_ÍB Makes Ufe a burden, ber tCSWMRy In mimi. XtJl-llaKy inTarranfsSeltzerbealth íflMs you'U flnd. THE WHITE IS KING The White Sewing Machine Waa awarded the only First Premium and Diploma glven any Seiving Machine at Michigan State Fair, Jackson, '86. and took inore Premiums in '95 than any other Se w. Ing Machine in the World, Simple, Silent, Sure, Perfect, Powerful, Popular. The Best Machine, The Best WoodWork, The Greatest Range of Work. The !WMte" Machine emlïodies lore MECHANICAL IMPROVKMENTS Thn any other Sewing Machine in the World The Automatic Bobbin Winder. Vibrator ud i-titch Regulator, In fact every lmprovemeut known. We Warrant EverySIliine forSyear Because we know it will last. Try lt, and yon will be pleased. Buy it, and you wlll be eausfled. White Skwing Machine Co. 1m o'TOOLE, MaiiKr. Office, Hurou-st, one door weet of Saviigs Bank, Alm Arbor, Mich. 622-67 EBERBACH & SON, DRÜGGISTS AHD PHARMACISTS No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and weil selected stoel o DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DTE-STUFFS, A.RTISTS' AND WAX FLOWBR 1LAT1 RIALS, TOILET ARTICLE8, TRUSSES, Aa PURB WINES AND LIQUORS Special attentlon pald to the fomishlng of Fhy ■ HclanB, Chemlsts. Schools, etc., wlth PhllosophlMl and Chemical Apparatns, Bohemlan Chemical Qlaaeware, Porcelafn Ware, Pure Reagents, etc Fhyslclans Prescrlpüons oarefally prepued at all honra. 427-47S LTJMBËË LX7MBERI LUMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON LDUMDI Corner Pourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and ?uarantee VERY LOW PRIOES! tg-fil ve ub cali ml we wl II makt lt (o unir interest, as oar large and welt tf rndtMl stock fnlly snstains oar assertlon. JAHES TOLBEKT, Prop. T. J. KÏEGH. Supt. 27-178 BINSEY & SEABOLT 25TOS. S A.2STX) 8 Washington Street, Ann Arboi Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of even thingli tae GROCERY LINE! Teas, CofFees and Sugar All prime Artlcles bougbt for Cash and can wil atlow figures. Our frequent large invoice ol Teas Is a sure sign that we give bargains In QUALITY AND PRIOB. WeroaBtour own coffees every week, alwyi fresh and good. Our bakery tums out the rery best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeus. 482-801 PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescription of a physician wht hashadalife long experiencem treatiag feraale diseases. Isused monthfy with perfect success bf over 10,000 ladirs. Pleasant, safe, effectuaL Iadies ask jour drup gist for Pennyroyal waters ana take no substitute, or lnclose postaee for sealed particulars. Sold of aü drujítíists, $1 per box. AddresS THBIÜBEKA.CHEJÏICAU CO., Dmtorr, Mica. Sold In Ann Arbor by EBERBACH A SOM. TUIf nnmsonfllelnPhlIlelpbIa TH IS PAPÉK"ttlieNewspaper AÏverw I L2, IsSlüítlslngAgency ot Messrs. N. W. AVER 8ON. oor aiithorized asenta. - cxjsmsA.isrJs - Menthol Inhaler, AFFORDS QÜICK RELIEF OF NEURALGIA, HEADACHE, HAY FEVER, CATARRH, ASTHMA, And by continued use effects cure. &&- Satisfaction Guaranteed or money Ke f Jnded. Six mouths treatment for 50 cents. If your druggist has uot the lnhaler in stock send 52 cents in stamp to the propnetor ana the lnhaler will be forwarded by mail, PO8taB paid, and if, attheexpiration of flve days fwm its rèccipt vou are not satisfled with lts eff ectt, tou may return it, and if received in good o dition your money will be ref unded. Circular and testimoniáis malled free on ap. plication to the propnetor, H. D. CUSHMAN, Three Rivers, M'CB. Sor Sale by DrnffitisU In Ann Arbor. VA MACJiNAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Bates. Four Trips per Week Betwoan DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 'föai'ssïïsiaa isr118St. Clair, OakUnd House, Mnne City. Every Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trip during July and Augu.t . OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Batea and Bxouriion Tioketa will be fumlahed by your Ticket Agent, or addreu E. B. WHITCOMB, Gon'l Pin. Agnt, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH.


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