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A New Discovery. Price Only 50c. Por Bofüe. HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. This yaluahlo remedy Is not only a sure oum for Neuralgia, hut haft no equal whon uaud as an InJection In the following dlseaaes: LOCAL DISCHARGES, or WHITES, ULCERS, SWELLINGS, and NEURALGIA cl li WOIWB or BOWELS. Trythls remedy and you wil! ue nn oth;r. Th expense is unusually small and valuo Is unequalled by any othor known preparación. U#mi D Trnubles and monthly palna aro at vT V Iwl D once rel ie ved by lts use. LADIES READ THS8 ! " After Fourtoon Months.1 riensantTlllo, Iiwa. Mr. Stketee- Sir: After layincr for H months and doctorine with sevou difl'oront phiclans wiiiiout anv benont to me. I was i:idnced to me Steketse's Neuralfia Drops. The use of your medicin? wu thö only rolirf (tot. I am ftüle to do alt riy wurit. I can chuei-fnly recoinmend 1U use. MRS. VESTA PÜEWiTT. Doctors Could Not Help Her." Middleville. Sïich., Jone ti. I8M. Mr. O. Steketee, proprietor Stt-kt-tce'u Nearalpta Drope: My wife was affllcted vith iuflammatloii üd neuralgia of the womb for someti:no. Doctors coi:ld not help her, but half a dozen doses of your Steketee's Neuralgia Drops curtid her. Very truly yours, WILLIS J. MILLS. Ask your druRdlst for Steketefl's Neuralgia Drops It not for sale by your drugaist Iwill sendit erpress paid, to any addreas in the Ü. 8., three bottles for one dollar and fifty cents. For Salo by all Druggista MAKE YOUR OWN BITTERS. A four" ounce package of Stïkkteb'S Drt Bitters ill make one gallon rf the best Bitters known, wfaich will eure Indicesuon, Palui in the tstomach. Kever and Ague, and acts u pon the KKl neya and Bladder, and is the beat Tontc known Can be used witli or without spirits. Kuil dlrectlons on each package. By mail, Price only 95 cntb D. S. Stampa taken ia payment. Addreis CEO. C. STEKETEE, 89 Monroe St., Crand Raplds, Mloh. MBNTION THI3 PAPIB.


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