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"TrvvO trifle witli any Throat or AJVJv Lung Disease. Ifyouhave fc Cough or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, ase Acker's English liemedy and prevent further trouble. It is a positiva cure; and we guarantee it. . Price 10 and 50 John Moore, Druggigt Miss Jenny - "I will always esteem and respect you as a friend, Mr. Old Boy, but Mr. Old B jy- "Very well ; I know the rest by heart. You women are all alike ; no originality. You are the fifteenth one that has said the same thing." - Harper's Bazar __________ Credit is due the Germán women and physicians for first using red clover blosoms as a medicine. Best results are obtained when combined withother medicinal roots and herbs, as in Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic, which is the best known remedy for all blood diseases, stomach and liver troubles, pimples, costiveness, bad breath, piles, agüe and malaria diseases, indigestión, loss of appetite, low spirits, headache and all diseases of the kidneys. Price 50 cents, of Eberbach & Son. Mr. Minks (horriied). Do you mean to gay, Mrs. M., that ycu are going to the party in suoh a dress as tnat? ' Mrs. Minki - "Why, certa nly, the neck isn't half po low as Mrs. Dash's." "I think you had better wear your old dress and keep that one for the musicale next Thursday. " "The musicale ! Where ?'' "At the blind agylum."- Omaha World. Bncblen's Arnlea Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains, Corng, and all 8kin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. "Here," said the manasjing editor to the telegraph editor, "this dispatch about the heavy rains in the southern part of the state can't be genuiDe." 'Oh, it must be all right- it came the sams as the otherí." "Can't help it, it bears evidence of beinga fraud." "Why?" "Becanse it doeen't say tbat the 'farmers feel jubilan t.' I never saw an account of rains after a dry spell which omitted that before. We'U telegraph down and find out about it. If it'a all right ju?t run in the 'feel jubilan t' business and shove it íd." - Dakota Bell. gife; Greatest Blood Purifierfë I This Great Germán Medicine Is theW. III III cheapest and best. 128 doses of SUL. j II III PHUK BITTEUS for $1 .00, less than 3 I III one cent a dose. It wlll cure ther Hl Sn worst cases of skin dlsease, from_r M LSa common pimple on the face S Jsi Blto that awful disease Scrofula. 3 IIISULPHTJB BITTERS is the- III best medicine to use In MM " III Hl cases of such stubborn andyour Kid-Hl deep seated diseases. ConeysareoutHI UI aot ever take oforder.Vse W ra di c pil I e 8ULPHURQ BI or mercury, thev are dead. „ K :C. nn jfTI lfeLÍWBUlfeRiw2tíS1iíS IIISL 1.1 Ml U il 1 '#VU USG Hl the purest and besw' III IMmedicine ever made. #gn]pnir BltitrS 'IJ QwlthayelIowstlckyDon't walt untll yon W Hl substancc? Isyour#are unable to walk, or in llbreath foul and#are flat on your back, III offenslve ? Your#but get some at once, it II llstomach la out#wiH cureyou. Sulphurll Mof order. Use#Bitters is In S sübit& #The InvaUd's Friend. g Qlmmeiliatelyrheyoung.the aged'and _ H Is yoiir Ur-#tering are soon made well by Ijl Hl ine thlck,#its use. Kemember what you BI l ropy, clo-iVread here, it may save your III lludv', or#life, it has saved hundreds. l WDon't walt untll to-morrow, f ïry a Bottle To-day! □ 1 ê m Are vou low-splrlted and weak, III I 3 Mot suffe'rlne from the cxcesses 0(111 II aouth? H so. SULPHUR BITTERS II "Wwill cure you. III Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Onlway Co-, Boston, Mass., for best medical work publlsheü? mliunii The White Sewing Machine Was awarded the only First Premium and Diploma glven any Sewing Machine ut Michigan State Fair, Jackson, '86. and took more Premiums In '85 than any other Se wIng Machine In the World. Simple, Silent, Sure, Perfect, Powerful, Popular. The Best Machine, The Best WoodWork, The Greatest Range of Work. The"Wñite" Machine eiboilies mare MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTS Tha any other Sewing Machine In the World The Antomatic Bobbln Winder, Vibrator and Stitch Regulator, in faet every Improvemeut known. W WarrnntEvery Machine forS y.-r Because we know lt wlll last. Try lt, and yoo wlll be pleased. Bujr it, and yon will be satisflea. Whitk Sswiso Machine Co. I.. O'TOOLE, üfanacer. Office Huron-st, one door west, of Savtng's Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich. 622-47 EBERBACH & SON. ' DBUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTi No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and well selected stoei of DBÜGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, ARTISTS' AND WA.X FLOWBB 1LAT1 RIAL8, TOILET ARTICLE8, TRUS3ES, Aa PURB WINBS AND LIQUOB8 SpeclRl atteotion pald to the furnishing of Phyalófana, enemiste. School, etc., wlth PhüosophlcU and Ghemloal Apparatus, Bohemlan Chcanioa] Slaonrare, Poroelain Ware, Pare Reagent, etc PhTSlcl&ns PreecrlpüonB oarerally preparad al all hoon. 427-Í7S LUMBEK LT7MBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON Iffl YARD! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEK We manufacture our own Lumber and ruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES! S-GI ve ns a cnll nnd we wlll makt 1 (o jronr Interest, as iwr large and wel! graded stock iullj sustalns onr aertlon. JAMES TOLBEKT, Prop. T. J. EKECB, Sapt. 27-478 BUKS? & SSASOLT 2STOS. 6 A.ÜT3D 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of ever? thlng 1; . tbe GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Articles bongkt for Cash and can sel! atlow figures. Our frequent large lnvoicea 01 Tea is a sure sign that we gi ve bargaina in QUALITY AND PRIOE. Weroastour own coffeee every week.alway fresh and good . Our bakery turns out the Tery best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeiis. 482-507 PENNYROYAL WAFERS. ÊPrescription of o physician wh has had a life long experience in treating female diseaaes. Isused monthly with perfect Guccesa by over 10,000 ladíes. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies askyourdrat eist for Pennyroyal Waters aña take no substituto, or ineloge postaee for sealed particular. 8old of S dracgists, $1 per box. Addrcsa THBIDSEKACHEJÏICAI. CO., Detroit, Mica. - Sold In Ann KBFRBACH SOK. TH IS PAPERatthe Nfwspaper AÍer. I US I SLaBtislnsrigeniy of Keasrs. N. W. AVER OW. our authortoed agenU jgPflV r fAT.JAN. 5, Itlf. P MENTHOL INHALER, AÏTOBDS QUICK BEUEF OP NEURALGIA, HEAOACHE, HAY FEVEU CATARRH, ASTHMA, And by continued use effecta a mr. - Satisfaotion Guaranteed or money B funded. 8ix months treatment for 60 cents. If your drugglet has not the lnhaler In stoot uend 52 centsln stamp to the propretor SM the lnhaler will be forwarded by mail, poetag paid, and if, at the expiration of flve days frMB it8 receipt you are not satisfled with lts effeote, you may return it, and if received in good co dition your money will be ref unded. Circular and testimoniáis mailed free on aj plioation to the proprietor, H. D. CUSHMAN, THItEE RlVJBHS, MlCB. For Sale by DrnKKlsts In Ann Arbor. IjÍf 1 U MACJnMAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamera. Low Bates. Four Trip per Week Betwean DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND xssssa?ssars5ií!?sft issr11'St. Ciair. Oakiand House, Marine City Every Weolt Day Bet ween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special 9unday Trips during July and Auguat. OUR ILLUSTRATEO PAMPHLETS Batea and Biouraion Tiokets will b f uralahed by your Ticket Ageut, or adürena E. 3. WHITCOMB, Gen'l PM. Agnt, Detroit & Cleveland 'iav. Co. DETROIT, '.Iwli.


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