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IB. & -A.. The way Summer Silks went out the past ten days is a caution. Pulling, picking, cutting all day long. Some of the patterns are out, but the assortment is still good. 11 Summer Silks tfcat ver e $1 and. $1.25, now 55e. 11 Slimmer Silks that worc 50e and 60c, now 35e. 12 l-2c Sateens. American, of course, but when before could you see such a 12 l-2c worth in Sateens? There's witchery in the blended tints, in the odd forms and in the eoft, shiny finish. Twenty, maybe flfty patterns. new, neat, varied to suit every taste. Batistes, dainty as ever, well liked as ever, as fine as were ever made, 12 l-2c ; they have been 16c. A dozen Styles : Blocks and dabs and pretty patshes of color scattered on white and cream grounds. At the Parasol counter, yesterday, it looked as if the season were just opening. New Parasols at a bout ha1 f pi ice. Don't go a begglng. Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs, woven colored borders, 10c each, You have paid 20c each for no better. Ladies' oolored Collars and Cuffs at half price. SEERSUCKERS. There are dozens of styles in which beauty seems to have been the last thing thought of. You'll think so when you see them in the piece; but who ever saw an ugly Seersucker when made up ? The 9 cent Crinkles have been 121 and this week the I2J were 15 cents last week. Plenty of Creams at 5 cents. Plenty more at 6 cents. Battling good quality: either of them, for much more than the price. CORDED GINGHAMS. Among the newest, nattiest, neatest of the Cotton novelties. You'll likely think they're from Paris. The idea is ; there's French fancy in every pretty thread, but the word is Yankee. Prioe 12è cents from 20. PEROALE. The tough, yard wide "shirting" so many ladies are buying. Forty to fifty styles. 12J cents from 16. BACH & ABEL. OCH 25 CESÍT COLCXN. Advertisements, such as To Kent, For Sale, 01 Wantt, not eiceedlng three Unes, can be inserted hree weeks for 25 cents. W'ANTKD- Good Girl to do general housework. Good wages pald. Address, Lock Box. 95, Ann Arbor, Mfch. 658-60 FOE SALE-Peter D. Ingalls' note of over 81C0. Address, Box. 1243, Ann Arbor. 658-60 WANTED- Good agenta for a rapid selling book. Large commisisons and Iarge salee. Industrial Book Publishing Co., room 4 Cleland building, 31 State-st., Detroit, llich. 657-59 WANTED- Housekeeper. A competent person with good reference, to take charge of my farm house. J 8. Mann, P. O. box 1119. 657-9 IC or 20 acres of good wheat land to lef"Sñ IO shares. J. S. Mann, P. O. box, 1119, city. 657-9 LOST- A bunch of keys and fountain pen. Finder will please leave at Rrglster office and receive rewai.l. 657-59 FOR SALE.- All of my household furniture at private sale. 85 East Huron st. II. C. Sheeban. 657-59 FOK SALE.- Jersey rad and Chester white pigs. W. F. Bird, W. Huron st. 657-9 TTiOB BENT.- A neat cottxge, seven rooms, celA1 lar, coal room, water in house. 35 South Twelfth-st. B. Mount. 657 59 Y7OR RENT.- A furnished house at 51 S Thayr erst. Apply to F. W. Belser, city. 657-9 WANTED- A situation as housekeeper orto assist a lady wlth her children anófsewing, by a respectable middle aged lady. Good referencea. Address M. E., Box 1343, Ann Arbor Mlch 657-59 FOR SALE- Farm of 80 acres, good buildings, soil, etc. Location unsurpassed. Long Urne low rate of interest and on easy terms, or will exchange. Correspondence solicited. G. C. Crane, Stone Creek Mich. 656- t f. WANTED- A situation as book-keeper. Addreês Miss C. J. Estey, 16 S. Thayer St. LOST- Between my store, and house on cor of Packard and Main, a pair of goldbowed Spectacles. Finder will be liberally rewarded bv returning them to Wm. Wagner. 656-8 FOE SALE OK EXCHANGE-For City lesidence, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west of City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acrss with buildings. Enquire at 26 South 5th St. S A. Henion. 656. t f. TX)R SALE- A Jersey Cow and Calf. A rare .1? chance for any who wish to purchase one of the best C0W8 in the county. The Cow is but 4 years old, perfectly gentle, and from the finest milk stock in this country. Cali at 31 North Uniyereity Avenue, Ann Arbor, or address Dr. H L. Obetz, Detroit, Mich. 456- t f. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN- House and lot No. 28 Maynardst. Locatlon desirable for student boarders. Inquire of E. B. Pond, 6 N Main-st. (HOtf TfOR SALE- My house, No. 27 Ann Street or will ■- exchange for smaller house, or well located vacant lot. H. M. Taber. 623tf REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from 81,000 to 86,000 and contalning from one-fifth of an acre to twenty acres- all in the city limita. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central loc&lities. Farms exchanged for city property. Enquire of J. Q. A. SESSION8, 632tf Attomey and Real Estáte Aeent. Office over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. T OANING - Money to loan on flnt clan real J-d eitate mortgages at cnrrent ratea of interest Batlifactorj arrangemenU made with capitalina dctlrlng such investment Ererjr conveyance and transactlon In abstract! of tttle carefullT examlned as to legal effect. Zlna P, KIn, Ann Arbor Mich.


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