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Give Tliem A. Cbance ! That is to say, your lungy. Also al your breathing machinery. Very won derful machinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavitiesleading from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what they do, they canno do well. Cali it cold, cough, croup, pneumonía cattarh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head anc lung obstructions, all are bad. Al ought to be gotten rid of. There is jus one sure way to get rid of them. Tha is to take Boschee's Germán Syrup which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed you, you may deDend upon this for certain. Af:er running a lawn mower for an hou this morning he remarked that if he ba 6aid anytbingderogatory or unkind of the snow shovel he would most willingly take it back.- SpringSeld Union. CvcO W. SíLnt tho! thousands suffering from Asthma, Con sumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever trj Acker'a English Eemedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on A positive guarantee at 10c., 50c John Moohe, Druggist. The man who can pass the warning notice, "paint," without testing the matte with his finger to see if it is dry, has sufficient will power to give up drinking. - Puck HALE'S HOHEY is the best Cough Cure, 25, 50c., $L CLENN'S SOLPHUR SOAP heals and beautifies, 25c GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Corns & Bunions, 25c. HIU'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, 60c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 25c DEAN'S RHEUMAT1C PILLS are a sure cure, 60c "How to be Entertaining though Slupid," is the title of a new book by Miss Kate Sanborn, destined to fill a long feit want in fashionable society. - Omaha World. He ate green cucumbers, They madehim quite sick ; But he took a few ' Pellets," They cured hlm right quick. An eaaier phyie You never will find Than Pierce's mail " Pellets," The Purgativa kind. Sma'.l but precious. 25 cents per vial It i cruel lo 'fire" a man in this weath er. - New Haven News. THE GREAT Germán RemedyJ nTRUTHSF0RTHE8ICK, III For thO8eTeáthíyl$ro00wñn5eTíí!d II III Bilious Spellsdepend for a case where III lllonSDLPHÜBBlTTEBS PHUB BITTERS Willlll III it will cure yon. not asslat or cure. It Ithattiredandallgone cieanseUievitiatedin feeling; If so, use t,lood when you seell Sülphüb Bittebs ; ita impurities burstHI it will cure you. ingthrough the skin II o?!TTírhír?r inlimples,Blotolies,l ■ shops; clerks.who do nd healü wU1 iolS not procure Bufficient LÜ m III exercïse, and all who c,, areconünedindoors, win Livi?Com III should use Sj-LFHüR ,5 „rDoduiB B5fbewhcSiSS WdjitwlllcureM UIT7toiníTTmnvísh s,L",Lp.i,irR bitteb5III to suffer from wll{ bml1 5""u ug an I latism, use a bottle of pake you strongandHI IIsulphob Bitters; healthy. 111 Illitiu-vcrfailatorurc. SüLPHüE BITTERS ra Don't be without a will make your blood SB IM bottle. Try it; you pure, rich and strong.U will not regret It. and yonr flesh hard. BI Ladies in delicate Try Sdlphdb Bit III healtb, who are all i-ers to-night, aodlll run down, should nse you will sleep well III irjirüBjBrrEKS;_n(feelibettertorlt;O Do you want the best Medical Work publlshed? Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Obdwat & Co., Boston, Mass., and reeeive a copy, free. 1 ÜID r&CXlli p. ftowell Ca'a New pape AdTertlslng Bureau (lOSpruoe 8t. V wtaereadvertislna SllTE IS KING The White Sewing Machine Was awarded the only Flrgt Premium and Diploma grlven any Sewing Machine at Michigan State Fair, Jackson, '86. and took more Premiums in '85 than imy other Sewing Machine In the World. Simple, Silent, Sure, Perfect, Powerful, Popular. The Best Machine, The Best WoodWork, The Greatest Range of Work. The "White" Machine embodies more MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTS Than any other Sewing Machine In the World The Automatic Bobbln Winder, Vibrator and Stltch Regulator, In faot every Improvement known. We H iirriml Kn'rj Hactiinr for 5 y f ar Because we know lt wlll last. Try lt, and yon vill be pleased. Buy lt, and you wlll bc satlsned. White Sewing Machine Co. I.. OTOOI.E, Hanac, t-OSce, Huron-8t, one door west of Saving's Bank, Ann Arbor, Mlch, 622-47 EBERBACÍTÜOÑT ÖBUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS No. 1 2 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and well selecte I stook of DKUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DTE-STUFKS, A.RTISTS' AND WAX FLOWBR 1ÍAT1 RIALS, TOILET ARTICLE8, TRUSSES, & . PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Special attentlon pald to the furnishlng of Pludcfans, Chemists, Schools, etc., wlth FhÜosophlotl and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemlan ChemioW Glaasware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Beagenta, etc Phyeidan Prescrlptlons carefully preparad tl all honra. 427-471 LÜMBÊR LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON 11ÏAÜ Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds of LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumbar and guarantee VERY LOW PRIOES! a-( i ve as a cali mu! we w 1 1 1 makt 1 1 (o .vuur Interest, as iinr lir)í' and well graded stock rally sastains oar aasr (Ion. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop. T. i. KÜECH, Snut. 427-471 BISSEY & SSABOLT IÑTOS. S -A.3STX) 8 Washington Street, Aun Arbor Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of eyerj thlng 1l tbe GROCERT LINB! Teas, Coffees and Sugars AH prime Anieles bought for Cash and can ell atlow figures. Our frequent large involoes of Teas Ís a sure sign that we gi ve bargalns in QUALITY AND PRIOB. Weroastour own coffees every week, alwaji fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the ver best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeus. 482-507 Til IC nADCDUonfllelQPhlUIelphIa I nlO PAr tnatthe Newspaper Adver. i USa I"' r"ti8lng Agency oí Messpi. N. W. AVER SON. our aatborlzed agenk - cxjsia:3Sd:-A.2sr's - Menthol Inhaler, AÏTOBDS QUICK BEL1IF OP NEURALGIA, HEADACHE, HAY FEVER, CATARRH, ASTHMA, And by continued use effectg a cure. T" Satisfactlon Guaranteed or money Ba funded. Six months treatment for 50 cents. If your druggist has not tbe Inhaler In stook send52cent8 in stamp to the proprletor and thc Inhaler will be forwarded by malí, postag paid, and if, at the expiration of nve days trom lts receipt you are not satisfled with lts eflecta, you may return it, and if received in good coodition your money will be refunded. Circular and testimoniáis mailed free on a plication to the proprietor, H. D. CUSHMAN, Three Rivers, MiCH. Tor Sale by DrnKKists In Viin Arbor. . 3 B 5&sbs i-5-, 52 ■öi2,li IS


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