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The great sourres of the extensive curative range of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic are its great blooil purifying qualities and itsgentle aperitive aotion, thereby removing all restraint from the sccretive organs, curing promptly and thoronghly dyspepsia, costiveness, bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, sick and nervous headache, fgue, malaria, and all ïtomach, liver and ktdney troubles. The rmst drlicate stomaeh accepts it with relish. Price 50 cents, ot Eberbach & Son. Pittsburgher - "Doctor, I am convinced that I am suffering from the most pronounced form of insomnia."lM. D. - "What are your syniptorns? ' Pittsburgher - "Ou Sunday last I remiined awake djring the enlire services, though the sermón was one hour long and the thermometer in the vestibule gtoorf at mnety-two degrees." - Pittsburgh Bulletin. REPORT OP THJS liuNDITION OFTHX Ann Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, July 4th, A. D., 1887. MADE In Accordnnce ulili .Scciimi 18, 1 and 87 of the Oeneral Banking I,m as AmeiMlecI in 1871. RESOURCES. Loans anrt DIscounts ( 316,512 11 Bonds and Mortgagea 209,240 85 Overdrafts 288 21 Furniture and Fixtures 1,930 85 Due from National and State Banks.... 49.910 57 Cash on hand 29,839 36 S 607,721 95 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock 8 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 50.000 00 Pmfitand Loss 25,181 07 July. Dividend 2,675 00 Due Depositors 479,865 88 S 607,721 95 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Subscribed and swom to before me, this 5th day of July, 1887. ADAM D. SEYLER, Public. A Nw Ditcovery. Price Only 50e. Per Bottle. HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. Thia Taluablo remedy Is not only a iur cun for Neuralgia, but haa no qual wben uaod ai an Injotlon In the followlng dlseases; LOCAL DISCHARGES, or WHITES, ULCERS, SWELLINGS, and NEURALGIA of the W0MB or BOWELS. Trr thls Têmtüj and jou wlll n no other. Th expense Is unusuftlly smatl and Talue Is unequalled by any other known preparatlon. AM BH D Troubles and nionthly patns are at "W J IWI D once rellered by lts use. LADIESREADTHIS' ■ Aft#r Fourteen Month." M PleMantrllU.Iowa. Mr. Steket-Slr: After Uying for li months and doctorinar wltb aeren different phyuiclana without nv benefit to me, I waf lnduced to use Steketee's Neuralgia Drops. The use of Tour medicine was the only relief I ot. I am able to do all mr work. I can cheerfullj reoommend lts uso. MR3. VESTA PREWITT. . M Doctors Could Not Help Her.1 Mlddlerllle, Mlrh.. June 81. 1M. Mr. O. O. Steketee, proprletor Steketee's Neuralgia Drops: Mr wlfe was affllcted wlth lnflammation and neuralgia of the womb for sometlms. Doctors could not help Uur, but half a dosen doses of your Steketee's Neuralgia Drops cured her. Verr trulr yours, WILLIS J. MILLS. Alk your drugirlst for Steketet's Neuralgia Drops. If not for s&le br your drugglat I wlil sendlt ezpress pald, toany addresiln the Ü. 8., three bottles for ODe dollar and flfty cents. For ale by all Drugglttt. MAKE YOÜR OWN BITTERS. A four" ounce packag of Stxkitxi'8 Dry Bitters will make one gallon of the best Bitters known, which will cure Indigestión, Pains ín the Stomach, Fever and AKue. and acti npon the Kidueys and Bladder, and is the best Tonic known. Can be used witn orwithout spirits. Full dlrections on each package. By mail. Prlce only MS cnts. ü. S. Stamps taken In pajment. Addreu CEO. C. STEKETEE, 89 Nlonroo St., Grand Rápida, Mloh. MENTIÜ.V THIS PAPZB. 81 Forest City Bird Store, rfSfi Mp5 ing Birds, Talking l'ar"■WJ f&r rots, Bird Cages, Pure ■ Seed, Song Kestorer, fs-T. Insect Cure, Fishing 35f Tackle, Bird Books, Pk Poultry SuppHes, Gold ' Fish, Dogs & their Medicines, Ferrets, Bird's Eyes. S. H. WILSON, 340 Superior St., Cleveland, Ohio. YOUR LAST CHANCEW MINNESOTA dakotaSüs,LaEd at present .. uodtu LOW PRICES. 7SWEJTERM Tmns to mj tht the ir & Pin ulï tn UndmllPAYFOR J LH IT8ELF In ÏItb A ïï u A tB year. Prices J "MUÍ rrygVM i l l i o n trithgmdebooks,10 ACRES ghring ranse of i_f ofohoicefarmingland Bale,aniother# f Well-watered. Health particular, ytw M I olimate. Good chorohs., Hat free. ml sohoola, and social vivan - A tages. A región where fail S CHARLES E. SIMMONS, IXZ- CHICAGO, ILL. IJ V ineeo lands osnnot fail to b k ■ proDtable and aXsafeinvestment P"TO mackinac. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Bates. Four Trips per Week Betwean DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Iprnace, Chitboyean, Alpena, Harrlsville, Oscoda. 8and Bach, Port Huron, St. Clair, Oakland House, Marine City Every Week Day Eetween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips durine July and Aujuit. OUR ILLUSTRATËDPAMPHLETS Bates and Exouraion Tickets will bo furuished by your Ticket Affent, or aadress E. B. WHITCOMB, Ger'l Pa... Afni, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. (ÍÜINO EAST. "-■ . tl Si f I1 J IS liisiiLLLÏ. A. M. A. M. P. M P. U. P. M. P. M.!i V Chicago.Lv 6 50 9 00 3 10 4 40 8 15 9 lol 8 k Kalamaz o 12 17 1 50( 6 58 9 L012 30 2 35 6 45 BattleCreek 1 12 2 27 7 38 1 43 8 20 7 57 Jackson._... 3 15 4 23 8 49 3 15 4 50 9 15 Chelsea 3 59 „ 5 35 9 53 Dexter 4 14 5 50 10 07 Delhi Mills 4 22 lio ú Ann Arbor-.. 4 83 5 30; 9 45 4 3) 6 08 10 2', Ypsilanti... 4 50 5 451 9 56 ! 4 02 6 2410 40 Wayne Jun 5 15 6 0b 5 15 6 47 1103 Detroit 7 1510 551 : 6 1012 05! St. Thomas! 11 151 2 45 1 00: 9 55 3 45C Niag'ra Fal; 2 22 5 48 1 33 6 581... "" Buffalo....,..! 4 35! 7 55 7 25' 3 55 6 10 Z QOING WEST. s i "sá si s STATIONS. H L I „ I S_Q O ;CS a O, M A. M A M. A. M. A. M Buffalo 11 88 5 45 6 05 9 00 11 35 .... Niag'raFal' 12 15 6 8' i 12 20 .. St. Thomas 4 15 10 001 1 15 4 45 ...'.Z'. A. M. A. M.!P. M. P. H P. M ...... Detroit, Lv. ;7 001 9 10 1 30 4 00 8 00 9 15 .. . Wayue Jun 7 40 9 68 2 03 4 45 8 37 9 55 Ypsilanti... 8 0110 12 2 20 5 12 8 58 10 20 , Ann Arbor... 8 16 10 25 2 32 5 30 9 12 10 S8 .... Delhi Mills 8 261 542 Dexter 8 35 550 9 32 ' Chelsea 8 48' 6 05 9 52 . Jackson 9 35U 35 3 32 7 10 10 52 12 03 BatUeCreek 11 03 1 12 4 40 8 52 12 12 1 35 Kalamazoo 11 52 1 50 5 15 1 20 2 85 4 45 Chicago.Ar 5 15 6 40 9 SO 7 00 8 05 1 02 O. W. RUGÓLES. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Ag't, Ann Arbor. Toleio,Ánn Arbor & Nortli MicHipnR Time Table going into effect Sunday, May 22, '67. Going North. Going 8outh. STATIONS. Pass.pL. Ml. Standard Time. p P. M. P. M. A. M.jLv'El [ARRA. M. P. M. P 3 15 6 25 5 15 .Toledo. 9 15 1 10 8 55 3 55 7 85 6 02 Monroe Junct'n 8 20Í12 31 8 00 4 05 7 50 6 15 Dundee 8 10 12 24 7 50 4 33 8 25 6 35 Milán ,7 5012 04 7 J8 4 58 9 00; 7 00 Pittsfield 7 2611 43 7 01 5 10 9 251 7 15 ..Ann Arbor... 7 1511 80 6 50 5 30 9 50 7 33 Leland's 6 4511 14 6 30 5 45 p. m. 7 46 Whitmore Lake A. M. 11 00 6 16 5 52 7 58 Hamburg 1 10 55 6 10 6 28 8 30 Howell I [10 20 5 33 7 20 9 30 Duiand 1 9 30 4 36 7 46 9 55; Corunna 1 9 08 4 15 7 55 10 05! OWOS8O 9 00 4 08 9 15 1116 Ithaca 7 46 2 46 9 33 11 35 St. Louis 7 27 2 26 9 41 11 42 Alma 7 20 2 20 10 30 12 SOL.Mt. Pleasant... 6 30 1 80 '■ M.I r. M.j i A. M. p. M. AU passenger trains run daily except Sunday. Connections at Toledo with rallroadB diverglnr, At Manhattan Junctlon with Wheeling & Lake Er.e R. R. At Alexis Junction with M. C R. R.. h. g, tt'y and F. t P. M. R. R A' Monroe JnncUon wiu L. 8. 6. M. 8. K'y. At Dundee with L. 8. A M. 8.. and M. 4 O. Ry. At Milán with W., 8t L.' & P. Ry. At Pittsfield with L. 8. A M. 8. RV At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, lAneing and Northern R. R., nd Q. T. Ry. H. W. A8HLEY, W. H.BENNKTT. Surwrintndr fien. Pasfwnirer Agent. O. G. WALES. Agent, Ann Arbor. ONE DOLLAR PAYS FOR From next Issue after receipt of subscrlption to January, 1 888, for new subscribers only. Now is the Time to Subscribe for T1b Oldesl, Largest. Cteapest, Best anï Most Newsy Relipis Family NewspaDer Pütlisled in MicMpn. A largo Eiebt-pase Rellglous. weck!y newspaper. IH ALL RESPECTS F1RSTCLASS. One wlth whlcn tll VOUNOER as well as tbe OLDElt members of tbe are dellghted. Each number coutalns fifty-six tulumns well-fllled witb tbe best orlelnal and caretnJlr jelected readlng, 1b whicb artlcles to interest, amuse, nstruct and benefit every reader witb. HfxnAY-ttCHoni. and rv.yiPKHAcm f MiKi'AMT.V KTS I Vfi.ïi 'K t.I.KIt. Wm, CHR1STIAN HERALD, Detroit fficL BEAUTIULLY ILLUSTRATED. Thi8 Magazine portrays American thought and life from ocean to ocean, is filled with pure bighclass literature, and can be safely welcomed in any family circle. PRIOÍ 25c. OR $3 A YtAR BY MAIL. Sample Copy of current number malled upon fcelpt of 2S etí.; tac number, 15 ett. Premium List witb either. Addre&s: E. T. B7SH & SON, PuUishers, 13O & 132 Pearl St., N. Y. Pil Vn ■■■ni bhé WiL rJA SeAd 35 ets. for our ounce box of Waste Embroidery Silk, uuld cost $1 in skelns. Wholesale PBlf Li8T8 sent only wben appUcat on is accompanied by iniHinesscarit.


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