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In Brief, And To Tlie Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is niisery. Indigesiion is a foe to good nature. The human digestivo apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderiul things in existence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habita, and many other things which ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. But Green's August flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad business and making the American people so healthy that they can enjoy their meáis and be happy. Remember : - No happiness without health. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seventy-five cents. The jessamine has succeeded the orange flower at weddings, according to a Paris newspaper. It is all the same. Young people getting married cannot get on the wrong scent. For lame back, side or ches', use Shiloh's Porou8 Piaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by Eberbsch & Son. The Carthage Republican says the marms of that part of the country are well-dressed and ood-lcoking, and are not yet prepared to trade a good position and $60 per month for a $2 dude. CVíVWÍVVOV Pleasant. anI JV3VVrC,V6V certain in their resnlts, are Acker'a Dyspepsia Tablets. Becommended by physicians and endorsed by all who have nsed them. The best remedy for Dyspepaia, Flatulency.and Contipatiou. Guaranteed, and sold at 25c. by John Moobe, Druggist. There is a sandwich war on the east side. The abundance of free lunches has drawn trade away f rom the sandwich deBhrs, for a man will not pay 5 cents for a sandwich when he can go nezt door and for 5 cents have a sandwich with a glass of beer and a pickle thrown in. - N. Y. Sun. Baeklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satistaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. ' Say,"said Berkey to his wifeyesterday at dinner, "you didn't say anything to any one about what I was telling you night before last, did you? That's a secret." "A secret ? Why, I didn't know it was a secret," she replied, kind of regretfuliy. "Well, did you teil it? I want to know." "Why, no, I never thought of it since. I didn't know it was a secret." NO COLD FEET ! Send one dollar in currency, with size of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insoles for rheumatism, cold feet and bad circulation. They are the most powerful made in tbe world. The wearer feels the warmth, Ufe and revitalization in three minutes after putting them on. Sent by return mail upon receipt of price. Send your address for the "New Departure In Medical Treatment Without Medicine," with thouaands of testimoniáis. Write us full particulars of dimculties. Our Magnetic Kidney Belts for gentlemen will positively cure the following diseases without medicine : Pain in the back, head or limbs, nervous debility, lumbago, general debility, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, seiatiea, diseases of the kidneys, torpid liver, seminal emissions, impotency, heart disease, dyspepsia, indigestión, hernia or rupture, piles, etc. Consulta tion free. Price of Belt, with Magnetic Insoles. $10. Sent by exprefs C. O. D. or by return mail upon recept of price. Send measure of waist and size of shoe worn. Send for circulars. Order direct. NOTE- The above described Belt with insoles is warranted to positively eure chronic cases of seminal emissions and impotency or money re - funded even after one year's trial. THE JIAliXmc APPLIANCE CO., 134 Dearborn si., ('talent. II'. A Maingtreet mother was whippingher boy yesterday, and as she apphed tbe rod she shou-ed, "Will you behave?' 'Yes," blubbered the throbbing boy, "I wül if you will." ■jjhe Best and Purest Medicine II ykxTJtwllldrivetheHumorfromyouTlll III Z Aüsystem, and tnake your ekinljl III 4 T&? clean and smooth. Thosel II II % a LjLpimple8 amd Blotches SJ-fe. f b-i iLwnich mar your beautyM j 4)4 vLare caused by lmpure jg I . . 4a '.K.rem'ovedinashortlll II V'JvoVV1 lf you arel ■ S The Pose ÍXVV' %,%Wt VÊ small-only a teaT.'; ,. i yj. II Hlspoonful. Itisthc-f %% ■ . I Ibest and cheapesíV %.%, BI II medicine. Try it, n ,♦ %% I I you will besatlsfied. % $O U Jj Get It of your Druggist. " % E3 ÖDon'iWait. Getitatonce jg IÍ you are sufferlne from Kid III III Tney never lail to cure. III Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Ordway & Co.. Boston, Maea., for best medical work published? TANSY GAPSULÊC I P THE LATEST DISCOVEBY.e W Dr. Lapiirle'a Celebrated Preparation, Safe and JwayB Reliable. Indispenaabla to LADIES. Send 4 cents for Sealed Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL CO., Chicago. JiïL mTTa T H TïTTÏ mar to ronnrt on mo at (Wo. -lillo irüirüiXti k RoveU&(Jo's Newsppe Adrertüilnu Bureau ( lOSpmca 3C ). Vf here odrerUrina WUKU M) l BWlXllC tt Í.T H]iW IOBH. EBERBACH ï SON, DBÜ&GISTS AND PHARMACISTS No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a Urge and well selecte: stook ei DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DTE-STUFF8, ABTISTS1 AND WAX FLOWBH UAT1 RIAL8, TOILET ARTICLE8, TRUSSES, A . PURE WINK8 AND LIQUOBS 8peclRl attentlon pald to the forniahing of Phjsicdans, enemiste. SchooU, etc, wlth FhUoBonhlosI and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemlan Chemio; 91aware, Porcelafn Ware, Pure Reagenta, etc. Physiclan Prescripüon o&refnlly preparad al all hoon. 127-471 LTJMBËB, LTJMBERÏ LUMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FJ5RDON 11ÏAÜ Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds of LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and juarantee VERY LOW PRIOES! 3-Cii ve lis a cali mul we wlll makt 1 ie .voiir interest, as onr large and well graded stock rally su-r hímn our asser. tion. JAMES TOX.BCRT, Prop. T. J. KtCIH. Supt. 427-478 EINS2Y & SEABOLT 35TOS. 6 JL25TT) 3 Washington Street, Ann Arboï Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of evet? thing h. ttua GROCERY LINE! Teas, Golfees and Sngars All prime Anieles bought for Cash and can sel] atlow figures. Our frequent large involoes ot Teas is a sure sigu that we give bargalna in QUALITY AND PRIOB. We roast our own coffees every week, alwayt fresh and good. Our bakeryturns ont thevery best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and see os. 482-50? I HIO rArfcllatthe Newspaper AdverI "w "' ■"♦■--. - - - ot Messrs. N. W. AVER SON. oor authorlzed ageuts. gggjjpBIWI PAT.JN. 5, 1886. J Menthol Inhaler AFFOBDS QUICK REÜEF OF NEURALGIA, HEADACHE, HAY FEVER, CATARRH, ASTHMA, And by eontlnued use effeets a cure. igT" Satisfactlou Guaranteed or money BO funded. 8ix months treatment for 50 cents. If your druggist has not the lnhaler in stook send"53 cents in stamp to the proprietor and the lnhaler will be forwarded by mail, postag paid, and if, at the expiration of flve days from lts receipt you are not satisfled with its effectt you may return it, and if received in good con dition your money will be refunded. Circular and testimoniáis mailed free on ap plication to the proprietor, H. D. CUSHMAN, Three Rivers, Mica. For Sale by Druwcists In Ann Arbor. ?Mbs s1, ;C"2 5f?sg3 asi gin


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