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A Pleaaure Shiuecl by Wonien Only. Maltherbe, the gifted Frenen author, declared that of all things that man possesses, women alone tako pleasure in being possessed. This seeras generally true of the sweeter sex. Like tbe ivy plant, sli e longs for an orjoct to cl ing to and love - to look to for protection. This being her prerogative, ought she not be told that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ia the phygical salvation of her sex ? It banishes those distressing maladies that make hr hf'e a burden, curing all painful irregularities, uterine disorders, iijflammation and ulceration, prolapsus and kindred weakneseB. As a nervine, it cures nervous exhaustion, prostration, debility, relieves mental anxiety and hypochondria, and promotes refreshing sleep. So you let McGarigle get away, did you ? 'nowed it, leastways 'spected it. You ail was too perticular 'bout his health, an' his high toned ways. If he had been a colored mau put in jdil for grabbin' a stray chicken, thev'd dun put him ín a ccll and forgot he was there. This makin' fish out ti' one man an' dog meat out o' 'nuher ain't rigbt. WIjLL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer Í9 guaranteed to cure you. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Indians at Colfax get drunk on a rheurnatie cure. At North Yaima they prefer lemou extract and Jamaica ginger. Get rid of that tired feeling as quick as possible. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives strength, a good appetite, and htalth. ''The Boston bieyelist never takea a header," saya the Transcript. But if asked if he ever was "projeeted from theperiphery of his circular steed" agleam of intelligence overspreads his face. " What Druif WI1I Scour These Englista Henee"? Wicked Macbeth, who murdered gcod King Duncan, asked this question in his despair. Thouaands of victims of disease are daily asking "What will scour the impurities from my blood and bring me heahh?" Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will do it. When the purple lifetide is sluggish, causing drowsiness, headache and loss of appetite. use this wonderful vitalizer, which never fails. It forces the liver into perfeit action, drives out superfluous bile, brings the glow of health to the cheek and the natural sparkle to the eye. AU druggists. The prosperous condition of Texas is not favorable for the growth of prohibition. When people are prosperous they like to rejoice and make themselves exceedingly glad, even if it requires tte extraneous help of alcohol. SLEEPLES8 NIGHTS made miserable by that cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by Eberbach & Sou. Musical Professor - "Your voice to me is eléctrica!, and it etrikes the tenderest chords in my heart. May I hope to cultívate the pleasure ?" M isa Unsophisticated - "You might ask papa. He wants me to have my voice cultiyated.'" - Boston Budget. It is said that the dealers in Chicago admit that more Moxie is drank there than liquors. If the Moxie is what is claimed for it, a support for the overworked and nerve-weary, as well as being a fine beverage, God be praised. It may save hundreds of thousands of drunkards. The doctors and chemists say it is harmless, the same as food. If it will cure one drunkard, it ia a good thing. "I was the last man on the field at Chickamauga," said one old soldier proudly. "That so?" asked the host. "Retired like a wounded lion, eh? " "Not exactly that," replied the veteran. "The fight had been over two weeks before I got there." Sia Wonian Is beautiful with a bad skin, covered with pimples, freckles, moth or tan. I have been asked many times what will remove the unsightly blemishes. No face paints or powders will remove them, as they are caused by impure blood. The onlysure remedy I have ever seen is Sulphur Bitters, and in hundreds of cases I have never inown them to fail. - Editress Fashion Gazette. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by Eberbach &Son. A man in Mississippi has a beard over six ièet in length. Americans have the reputation of being recklessly extravagant ind here is a stnking example. What msiness has a man wasting six feet of human hair when thousands of women are ositively pining to death for new switches! About the easiest way for a town to sink (30,000 is to subscribe it towards a new ïotel and put in a landlord who has run a annery and made a success of it. Judge of a government by the men it produces. Judge of a man by his deeds, tree by its fruits, a medicice by its. reults. Time tried and true is Dr. Bigeow's Positivo Cure, which contains the ood qualities of all the best cough remeies without the defects of any of them. A sife and speedy remedy for coughs, olds and all throat and lang troubles. [old by Eberbach fe Son, in fifty cent nd dollar bottles. Healing to the lungs. Safe and pleasant for children. There is no use to warn Eastern Miehian to "dry up." She has been a drycilu for the last fortnight.


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