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M warranted, Í3 because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Remember, we guarautee it. John Moore, Druwgist. Mrs. Biobson - ''VVhm's thai? Oh, horrors! the hotel a6re!" Mr. Biobson - "Yes, come oo. We've nj time to lose." Mrg. Biobson - "But here I am in my night dress." Mr. Blobson-"Good enougb. I'm glad you've got out of your ba!l dress ' and iato somethinf? decent." in a gottk CMADTIWr Sufficicnt to stop ia fira O ITIH il I 1 11 U minutes the matting, inging pain of roo bu ras or scalds. It wlll stop the pain as sooa as _______ pplied. pniinUIIIP Abundante to cure a score LUUUnlIlU of colds and the couching thai oden leads the way to Coasumption. It will positivhlv ease a Cough is 15 MMMinB minutes. P H H U I M C More than enough' to sar II H Al 11 11 ■ dozen childrea Cholfiog with Cnour. One minute after the fint dose th hardest attack BHina of Croup will bc relieTed. WU t F 71 IIP Plenty to relieve the oppres II 11 L L L I n 11 o and wbeeiing of th. most sevcre case of Asthma. The direct cures of Asthma by this medicine are proofs that Dr, Thomas' Eclectric OU ha _______ no equa] as as Astiuna core. In the bore cases Dr. Thomas" Eclectric Ofl caa be relied upon. It bas gives relief to thousands. Keep it in your house. There is birdJy ■ wttk tl the year it will not be useful. A NEW ERA ! 11 wa m. Sal-Iuscatelle. The frj-stallized salts as eitracted from grapes and fruit; a most wonderful product from Na;. ure's laboratory ; the greatest sovereign prepaiatlon ever placed before the American public. Sal-Muscatelle is Nature's own product ; it supplies to the weary system the want of sound, ripe grapes and fruit ; it keeps the blood pure and the bram clear ; is a natura! blessing to the faggedout and weary, an imperative companion to business men, ladies and children. Have it ia your homes, travels, summer resorte and sea-side cottages. ck -Headashe ajid Öypepïa CUe Prepared by the SAL-MUSCATELLE CO., P. O. Box 3483, York til. FOK at.-P! BY H.J.BROWN Druggist, ANN ARBOB, - MICH. Farrand, Williams & Co., Wholesale Ajts. J3ETBOIT. :f:r,o:m: CAPTAIN THE HONORABLE ALISTAIR HAY, THIRD BATTALION BLACK WATCH Eoyal Highlander's (SECOND SON OF THE EARL OF KINNOÜIX.) DÜPPLIN CASTLE, % PERTH, SCOTLAND. Í TO THE LJEBIG COMPANY: " I was In a condition of great debility, consequent upon a broken-down stomach, dyspepel and malaria, complicated with kidney irritation, when mj medical attendant directed me to t&ke your incomparable Coca Beef Tonic lts effect was simply marvelons. The power of digestión was quickly restored, the kidney irritation vanished and rapid restoration to health followed : "Other preparaüons of Coca had been tried without the slightest effect.'' mi chas, imn w seeges, Professor of Medicine at the Royal Univerrtty; Kmght of me Royal Austrtan Order of the Iron Crown; Knlght Commnnder of the Royal Sjmnteh Order of Isabella; KniQht of the Royal PrutUrn Order of the Red Eagle; Chevalier of Ou Legión of Honor, tc, &c, says : " LIEBIQ CO. S COCA BEEF TONIC should not be confounded with the horde of trashy cure-alls, It is in no sense of the word patent remedy. 1 am thoroughly convenant with lts mode of preparation and know It tobe notonljr a legitímate pharmaceutical product, but also worthy of the high commendations it has received in all parts of the world. It contains essence of Beef, Coca, Quinine, Irou and Calisaya, which ara dissolved In pare genuine Spamsh Imperial Crown Sherry." Inval'jable to all who are Run Down, Nerrona, Dyspeptic, Bilious, Malarious or afflieted with weak kldneyB. Beware of Imltatlons. la foktfi favorita Cosmetic Clmriai Ueed by Her Royal Highness the Prinoos of Wales and nobillty. For the Skin, Complexión! Ernptions, Chapplng, Roughness. 01.OO. Oí druggistí. MEBK1 CO.'S Geadtne Syrnp or Sar■par lila li gxunnteed as the oest SuiaparUla In tne market N. T. Depot SM 9larray4l,


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