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B. &c .A.Last week we told you about a remnantsale of dressgoods. When you read it you came to see about it. You found a large variety, and prices satisfactory. We have a few left, which must go this week. We are getting ready for fall dress goode. New goode, "you know," push out the odds and ends, and at the same time push the prioes. Remnants lese than quarter price. Look at our display of lace curtains in window on the left as you enter the store. No doubt but the ourtains displayed in this window are the best value ever known in this part of the univeise for the money. 50 pairs curtains at $2 a pair. 30 pairs curtains at $2.06 a pair. Women's colored borders linen handkerchiefs ; GOOD SIZE, 10c. THE 15 AND 20c GRADE. 65 Marseilles Quilts at $1.50 each. When you have time, look at them. This week, we will have a case of the OLD TIME CALICÓES. Heavy, strong, tough, hard twisted threads. Firmness in the weave, substance in the feel, satisfaction in the wear. Like the degenerate, flimsy, slimsy calicóes of to-day in little but name. We have three kinds, CEKTURY CLOTH, atronsr cloth, old time calioo. Better than any calicóes your mothers er grandmothershad. Neat er in the printing, prettier in the paf tem, just as honest in the cotton. They are the flrst calicóes of the season. Will have a window full of them next week. 10 cents. Another break in the best American sateens made. To close and clean up stock, we make the pi ice 15 cents. ALWAYS SOLD AT 25 CENTS. We are agents for J. & P. Coats' Spool ootton. All sizes and all colors always on hand. Wholesale price per dozen, ööcents, less a diecount of 6 per cent. If you want good LIVE GEESE PEATHERS picked from lively geese, we are headquarters for them. BACH & ABEL. OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. A.dvertisements, sucli as To Rent, Kor Sale, or Wants, uot exceeding three Unes, can be Inserted bree weeks for 25 cents. FOR SALE- Two new Milch Cows, i mile northof Delhi Mills. Wm. W. Tubbs. 6t0-62 WANTED- A brother and sister desire to rent three unfurnished rooms, for the year, beginnir.g September lst. One room on ground Hoor, the other may be upstaire. Address for ten days, Box 2915, City. 660-62 MONEY TO LOAN AND CITY AND FARM Property to rent and for sale, on long time. F. L. Parker, cor. of Ann and Fifth-sts. 6C0-2 TT7ANTED- Copying to do on type-writer. TT Prices reasonable. Address lock box 149, City. 660 2 FOR RENt- A Suite of Rooms in the Hamilton Block, suitable for light housekeeping. Water and Steam heating included. Apply to A. W. Hamilton. 669 61 FOR SALE- A Poland China Boar, two yeare old. Thoroughbred. Also one four months old Good 6tock. Terms reasonable. B. F. Shelmire, Ypsilanti, Mich. 659-61 LOST- A Phannacy Class Pin, '87, set with Pearis and Ruby. Finder will please leave at 48 8. Main-st. and receive reward. 9-61 FOR SALE- Ladies' driving Horse. Also single Harness and Cntter. Apply at 44 Washington Street, before 8 a. m. or 5 r. m. 659 61 TD RENT- 3 pleasaut unfurnished Rooms on ground floor, one block from Main st. Apply 488. Main-st. 659-61 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- 24 city Lots with large House and Barns. The whole or any one lot. Apply 48 8. Main-st. 659-61 FOR SALE- A sound young horse, perfectly bafe for ladies use. Inquire 39 University Ave. 659-61 FOR SALE CHEAP- An iron revolving Bookease, perfect. 659-60 T7OR SALE- Will sell at private sale, household F effects, Aug. 27, 28, 29. No. 36 E. University ave. 6i9-Gl TT7ANTED- Good Girl to do general housework. W Good wages paid. Address, Lock Box. 95, Ann Arbor, Mfch. 658-60 FOR SALE- Peter D. Ingalls' note of over S1C0. Address, Box. 1243, Ann Arbor. 658-60 FOR SALE- Farm of 80 acres, good buildings, soil, etc. Location unsurpassed. Long time, low rate of interest and on easy terms, or will exchange. Correspondence solicited. G. C. Crane, Stone Creek Mich. 656- t f. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City lesidence, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west of City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at 26 South Sth St. S. A. Henion. 656. t f. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN- House and lot, No. 28 Maynard-st. Location desirable for student boarders. Inquire of E. B. Pond, 6 N Main-rt. 640tf T?OR SALE- My houfc, No. 27 Ann strect.or will -L exchange for smaller house, or well located vacant lot. H. M. Taber. 623tf REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from $1,000 to $6,000 and contalnlng from one-fifth of an acre to twenty acres- all in tne city limita. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged for city property. Enquire of J. Q. A. SESSION3, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Agent Office over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. LOANING - Money to loan on firet clase real estáte mortgages at current rates of interest. Satlsfactory arrangements made with capitalista iesirlng such investment. Every conveyance ad transaction in abstracts of titles carefully examined as to legal effect. Zina P. Elng, Ann Arbor Mich. INE FARM FOR SALE- Two miles Irom Ann Arbor, consisting of 160 acres in a high state of cultivation. Has been used as a daíry farm for 13 yeara, consequently soil is very rich. Splendidly watered by creek and spritigs, large two story frame house, large basement barn, carriage house, large Ehed with hay loft, also grain Dam; good orehard. Terms one third cash, balance on long time to suft purchaser. Address, R. Watermann, Ann Arbor, Mich. 624tf


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Ann Arbor Register